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Trinity Heath
Wizard born
Stratford, England
First year, Slytherin
27,8 cm elm wood and phoenix feather

Trinity is a stubborn risk-taker. When she has an idea in her head, she won't change her mind. She is a natural leader and likes to be in control of herself. People can depend on her for help, to get things done, and for her to keep secrets. She isn't impulsive and thinks before she acts. However, she doesn't think much of the future and isn't aware of consequences in life. For example, how an action now could impact her future later.


Trinity was born to two avid readers, Mark and Daisy Heath. They started their own magical magazine at the age of 19 and led Trinity to always use her imagination. Her relationship with her parents is very close, although they are often busy with their magazine. She has a younger sister, Tara, who is 8 years old. Her parents never liked flying, so she was never taught how to ride a broom, but she is interested in the art of flying. They did, however, tell her all about Hogwarts and how amazing it is, making her extremely excited for her magical schooling.


Trinity has long, light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin is pale, and her nose small. She always wears a silver necklace and doesn't have her ears pierced. When she is out of school, she likes to dress casually, with sweatpants and t-shirts.