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Augustus Faris
Wizard born
20 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,1 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:

Of quite small stature, Augustus is about 4'6 for 85 pounds. His skin tone is slightly more tanned than the average english boy due to being half north african, but his mother's genes were strong, leaving him with a still quite pale skin tone and deep blue eyes. However, his definitely took his father's hair, which is very curly and messy. Augustus still didn't make peace with his hair texture, which is a nightmare to style, and that is why he keeps it mostly short.

Mental Description:

Augustus is a young and very energetic boy. He has an immense curiosity which can only be rivaled by his thirst for adventure. However, the latter is often diminished by his respect (almost fear) of authority, which prevails often when he is about to walk the thin line between disobeying his parents and quenching his thirst for adventures. Academically and socially intelligent, Augustus has quite some ease to make friends due to his natural charisma. However, he can be quite stubborn and has some difficulty admitting his mistakes.


Augustus was born on a hot night, the 20th of august 2012, in the coastal city of Algiers, on the most northern part of the African continent. His mother, Felicia Snow, had been in the country for the two previous years, on a diplomatic mission on behalf of the english Ministry of Magic. It is where she met Augustus's father, Selim Faris, an employee of the algerian Ministry of Magic, working for the magical creature regulations department, specializing in the saharan region.

The couple fell in love quite quickly, which led to Augustus's birth. The young family spent approximately four years in Algeria before Felicia's mission was over. As her obligations called her back to England, Selim decided to follow his wife and so Augustus's family established itself in London. There, Augustus grew up in a loving environnement, while still missing his native country once in a while. Every two summers or so, he'd have the chance to go back and spent a few weeks with his father's side of the family. In the meantime, he would spend most of his days with his grandparents, on his mother's side, while his parents pursued their careers. His grandmother, Melodia, was especially responsible for a good part of his education.

He just recently received his letter from Hogwarts and absolutely cannot wait to begin his studies. While his father has only heard of the famous school, his mother actually had the chance to attend it and her stories about the establishement filled many of Augustus's dreams.

First Instance of Magic:

Augustus has had a few encounters with accidental underaged wandless magic, but the first considerable instance was during the summer after his family moved to England. He was around six years old. His family had went on vacation, to the coastal southern city of Porthsmouth. Even though he was used to the warm and clear water of Mediterranean beaches, Augustus was glad to once again be able to swim in the ocean. However, he was a clumsy swimmer and during an especially cloudy and windy morning, he was staring at the sea from the height of a slippery boulder. Quite careful not to slip, he was absolutely taken by surprise by a sudden strong wave that crashed on the said boulder. The force with which the water slammed at the rock threw Augustus completely off balance. In this, once again fearful and panicking moment, the young wizard found himself surprisingly stuck to the sides of the boulder, by the tip of his feet. The water had completely thrown him into the water but the contact of his feet on the ground became like glue and he was stuck there for a few minutes, staring face to face at the blue depths while his father was struggling to reach him.