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Delaney Burton
14 May 2012
Derby, England
First year, Gryffindor
32,4 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Delaney Burton has a wide smile, with bright white teeth. Her eyes are a pretty olive green, and her eyebrows are straight and defined. Her hair is long and nearly to her waist, and its a chestnut brown shade. She stands at 4’11 , tall for a girl her age, and has an average build, weighing in at about 85 pounds.

Mental Description: Delaney is a fun-loving girl. She finds ways to make herself laugh in every situation, oblivious to whether anyone else is laughing with her or not. She's quite energetic and loves playing sports with her brothers and cousins, like football and rugby, as well as running. She's never been very academic, but is clever and can figure things out for herself. She's talkative and finds herself rambling on and on to her friends and family, even to herself at times, and is very extroverted, although quite awkward most of the time. She loves painting with oil paints and water colors when she finds time, and surprisingly, has the patience for chess, which she and her father bond over. Del's main flaw is her short-temper that has caused more arguements among her siblings then you can count on one hand. She also has some trouble reading the room at times. Although being active and outdoors most of her childhood, Delaney remains scared of heights as well as spiders.

Biography: Born and raised in Derby, England, Delaney's parent, Elsie and Thomas Burton, own a booming bakery. She has 4 siblings, one sister, who already is moved out of the house, and 3 brothers, who all call her Del. Out of all of these siblings, she falls right in the middle. She spent her days at home roaming around the streets of the city getting into trouble with her brothers or playing around with them. Del often helped with the bakery as well when needed. She attended a local private school by the name of St. John's Catholic, where she didn't have many friends due to her chaotic nature. During the summers, the bakery would close up and the whole family would take a vacation to the seaside of Wales at their home there.

First Instance of Magic: On a hot summers afternoon while she was just 10, Del and her brothers were kicking a football around in the road. Delaney was dribbling the ball towards their flimsy plastic goal, dodging her brothers, when one of them came up from behind her and tripped her. She stumbled and fell, scraping her knee on the pavement. Delaney, being ill-tempered as well as quite competitive, was now angry with her brother. With no warning, the ball popped with completely no explanation. All 3 of her brothers were confused as to what had just happened, as was Del, but nobody thought too much into it. One of her brothers made a quick remark along the lines of, “It was probably just a shard of glass..” while another one of her brothers ran to get a new ball from the garage. Their parents never found out about this incident.