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Nellie Lam
01 Oct 2011
Wooburn, England
First year, Hufflepuff
28,2 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Nellie is of Chinese and white decent, with brown hair and eyes. Often, her hair is in two braids, though occasionally, she does wear it down. On those occasions, her hair is fairly wavy and thick, though not curly. She wears glasses, thanks to her poor eye sight. Despite her voracious appetite, she is thin, weighing 78 pounds at 4'6".

Mental Description: Nellie suffers from anxiety, as many do. Because of her anxiety, she is often a wallflower in social situations, but a lot of fun once she opens up. Nellie is fiercely loyal to her friends and usually willing to extend a second chance to those that hurt her, often to her own detriment.

Biography: Nellie was born to Han and Alice Lam. Both her parents were squibs, cast out from their families for their lack of magical ability. They were loving parents, fawning all over Nellie and later her twin siblings, Micah and Mika. There was nothing particularly abnormal about Nellie's early years, at least not for a muggle child. The Lam children were raised to believe magic was a thing of fairy tales, existing only in stories. Han and Alice would later claim that they saw no reason to make the children aware of another world in which neither believed they would ever again be a part of. Having convinced themselves that their offspring would not have magical abilities, either, they were surprised the afternoon the family got home from work and school to see an owl perched on the flower box outside their living room window with Nellie's invitation to Hogwarts.

Nellie was lucky in that, while occasionally difficult, her parents fully support her entrance into the wizarding world. When she received a letter from her maternal grandparents, they left it up to their young daughter to decide how to proceed. She replied. She then also reached out to her paternal grandparents, as well. Up until this point, there have been a few letters exchanged, but not much beyond that.

First Instance of Magic: Nellie's first experience with magic was when she accidentally turned her own hair pink shortly before her 11th birthday. Fearing for her own sanity, she lied and told her parents she'd dyed it at a friend's house. After all, who would believe her? Having believed this excuse, Han and Alice took her to a salon for a muggle fix, dying her hair back to brown. This is likely why they missed the signs for their daughter's abilities.