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Emiline Hunter
18 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,2 cm holly wood and thunderbird tail feather
Physical Description: She is tall, and has a petite figure, brown hair that looks black. Has blue eyes and rosy cheeks.

Mental Description: very bubbly and confident, and quite sophisticated.

Biography: Emiline is smart and lives with her dad and mum and big sis, Skye. Her mum is a muggle and her dad is a wizard. Her mum didn't know that he was a wizard until two years after they got married in Hawaii.

First case of magic Emiline was out on a walk a week before her 10th birthday and she saw a really pretty flower in a tall tree. And she decided to climb it and pick it. She shimmied along the tree branches and she could see the flower on her left. It was a little far from the main branch that Emiline was hugging. So, she decided to stretch out her arm, but she was still too far away. She sat up and squeezed the branch tightly with her thighs. She leant over closer to the flower and she was so close. But she lost her balance and slipped. She managed to grip onto a branch but with her weight it snapped. The wind whistled though her hair and Emiline thought that it would really hurt with the momentum she was going. Suddenly , she slowed down, she was falling as if she was in slow motion. Then when she was an inch to the ground, she faceplanted. Getting a mouthful of dirt. She was fine, no injuries except to her dignity of course.

Location : Westminster in London. She lives in a fairly nice size house with a small garden.