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Argento Perceval-Phelan
11 Dec 1993
Galway, Ireland
Professor of Transfiguration, I
20,9 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Argento has blue eyes and lush black hair which he likes to keep a little messy. While in was in school he wore the proud colors of the Gryffindor house; when on holidays- he tends to wear a pair of jeans with casual and trendy tees. Now that he is an adult, he loves wearing shirts and suits that fit his persona better. When in a casual setting, he still loves wearing blue or black jeans with a half sleeved t-shirts. He has the most dazzling smile, with pink full lips that look so pretty on his face. His smile can make your heart flutter since it is very refreshing. He is 5 feet 10 inches in height. He has a well-toned body.

Mental Description: Argento has a variety of personalities. Well anyone would have a few of them. So when he’s with his friends and other relatives he is sweet and outgoing. When he is with someone he has not met, he is a little cautious, alert and reserved. When he is with his parents and Jenny, he is very well behaved and polite. However in the classroom, he can very strict and wants things on time. He hates tardiness.

Biography: Born on 11th December, via surrogacy to Seán and Francesco Phelan. Both his fathers’ friend Jenifer (better known as Jenny) was the surrogate mother. His fathers had known her since their childhood. Jenny was a close friend. He never felt that he missed on anything in his life. He had a very loving and had a prosperous childhood. His parents were very rich and he was their first born child. He has a younger sister he adores. His younger sister is three years younger to him. They lived in a mansion in the Hill Side of Galway Ireland. His younger sister's name is Siobhan Phelan. He loves spending time with her. He was taught at home by a private tutor whom he appreciated very much for telling him about things that he would need to know growing up. He had a special older brother bond with his tutor. He was five or six when his tutor had taken him out to the backyard for a play and learn session. It was a fall day with no wind blowing, when a scared Argento who had just seen a Chameleon change colors for the first time in his short life, made the leaves fly around him. His tutor was amazed at what he was seeing and applauded for Argento later but first he hugged the younger boy as he could see that Argento was in tears completely scared of the creature in front of him. It was at that time that his tutor took him inside the mansion to calm him down and soothe him. Argento's tutor made him a chocolate shake and some cookies too soothe him down.

He remembers going to Hogwarts for the first time as if it was yesterday. He was accompanied by his fathers, his Surrogate mother and younger sister. He was pretty excited for the adventures that his life would have. He remembers that Seán and Francesco had given him about 5 galleons each to let him buy stuff on the Hogwarts Express. Argento had hugged all of them before going into the Train that would lead him to Hogwarts and his adventures there. After getting his stuff put away safely which Seán had made sure were safely packed as it had his clothes and things that he would need for his time in the School, Argento had made his way to see if there was any empty compartment. Walking inside the train, and looking through a couple of the compartments- he finally found one compartment that was almost empty. There was one person sitting there. He smiled shyly to them and took a seat opposite him. Talking to the other boy, Argento came to know his name was Heirans and it was also his first year. Well that was clear from the black robe the other boy was wearing which were similar to what Argento had on. After arriving to Hogwarts, Argento walked with Heirans and others to the Great Hall. It was probably time for his sorting. Argento didn't know whether he would be first since his name started with an A or would they be called on depending on the last name's first letter. Well he didn't have to about it much as time went by, they were all called based on the first letter of their last name. A young and little nervous Argento made his way to the sorting hat. He was courageous despite seeming as little shy. When the Sorting Hat was put on his head, it didn't take much time to sort him into GRYFFINDOR house. A part of him was happy that he was in a house that one of his father's had been in. His other father was in Hufflepuff and his mother- surrogate mother was in Ravenclaw. After sorting it was time to get a dorm. Argento didn't have many friends starting in his first year. He only knew Heirans as they had talked a little during the Train ride to Hogwarts. He was hoping that Heirans and he would be put in one dorm. And behold that is what happened.

Argento had a habit of finding himself in the Library, reading up on the subjects he was taught. Argento had a habit of reading, which was really encouraged by his fathers. Back at home, they had a multistorey library which was one of Argento's favorite rooms. Argento would pay attention to each and every small detail he was told in class. He would not care if he was raising his hand up more than others. He would wanna know more things and want to ask a zillion questions. Seeing Argento's this side, the professor's would ask him to meet them one one one as they couldn't keep up with the young boy's questions in the class. The first time this happened, the young eleven year old boy was in tears telling his best friend- Heirans about what had happened and what he thought was going t happen. Argento was scared that he was in trouble, but Argento had not done anything to get in trouble; which is what Heirans told him. Wiping his tears away and smiling genuinely- Argento made his way to the professor's office. Once he was face to face with one of the professors, he came to know what they wanted to say. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth and he felt like the weight of the world had been taken off his chest. The professor was just giving him a list of books that Little Argento could read up on, to quench his thirst for knowledge and it would give him answers to the questions that he was asking in class. It didn't come to him as a surprise that he was doing really well and would get Outstanding or Exceeds Exceptions grades on his assignments..

For vacations, he would go home to his fathers, mother and sister. He loved his time with his family. In the Summer breaks, they would go around town and seeing the fair that would be going on during that time. He loved spending time with his family. In Winter Breaks, it was rare to see snow. Argento loved the cool weather. He would dress up for Christmas and decorate the Christmas Tree with his family

With his second year, Argento had become a little more confident. He had started opening up more. He started watching the house matches that happened whether it was Broom Racing, Quidditch or a duel. Young Argento was trying to figure out what sports did he have interest in. He had started putting himself out more. Going on camping with friends which was supervised by someone who was an adult as putting a bunch of twelve year olds in danger would not be a good thing. Argento had to face a little bullying, however it stopped once Heirans came to know of it and despite Argento telling Heirans to get involved, Heirans stood up for Argento and the bully ran away seeing Heirans being all protective of Argento.

By the time Argento's third year started, he had joined the Quidditch Team of his house. His parents had gotten him the fastest and most expensive broom. Argento was really excited to be a chaser on his house team. He was even more excited when Heirans joined as the Captain and Seeker. He was pretty sure their team was in good hands.

The Fourth year brought a lot of new changes in his life. First of all, he had finally gotten a boyfriend and it was none other than his best friend, Heirans. He was pretty excited for going on special day trips with Heirans. He would shower Heirans with gifts and goodies. Second thing that happened for him- was his parents told him they had a pair of twins. He was really excited as he couldn't wait to meet his new siblings after his term was done.

With his fifth year around studies had gotten a little more intense. Both Argento and Heirans were chosen as Prefects. Argento couldn't be happier about it. Since this was the year that he had to give OWLS. One of the subjects that he really loved was Transfiguration- well he loved it more than any other. He had spent days, weeks and months studying for his OWLs. He wanted to do his parents proud. As the time for the OWLs came closer, Argento could feel himself be nervous and a little sweaty. But he knew he was well prepared for it. With determination and confidence he gave his OWLs and hoped for the best. It was no surprise that he had gotten mostly O's and EE's.

Sixth year was hectic since Argento started internships with the Transfiguration Professor. Learning more and more about the subject that he loved. He was super excited when the Professor made him a Teacher's Assistant. It was something that he wanted to do. It was a way to learn more about the subject and how it was taught.

Seventh year was even more tense. Argento was feeling the pressure of being a Teacher's Assistant, Quidditch Player, Prefect and over that he had to give NEWTs. He was sure he would do well in all of it. He was trying to balance it all. He didn't want to seem like a failure. He was pretty happy when he got O's and EE's in his NEWTs.

Passing out of Hogwarts was the most exhilarating feeling. He couldn't be proud of what he had achieved in his life. Learning from a prestigious institute. Having a boyfriend that he loved. Having loving parents and siblings. What more could Argento could ask. He was looking for a job after he finished with Hogwarts. He was glad that his parents didn't pressure him into finding one immediately. Argento took working in the local magic school. Time passed by 8 years earlier, Heirans proposed to Argento and Argento said said yes. And they tied a knot 7 years ago. It was not till recently that Argento moved back to Hogwarts, joining it as the professor of Transfiguration.

First instance of Magic: He was five or six when his tutor had taken him out to the backyard for a play and learn session. It was a fall day with no wind blowing, when a scared Argento who had just seen a Chameleon change colors for the first time in his short life, made the leaves fly around him. His tutor was amazed at what he was seeing and applauded for Argento later but first he hugged the younger boy as he could see that Argento was in tears completely scared of the creature in front of him. It was at that time that his tutor took him inside the mansion to calm him down and soothe him. Argento's tutor made him a chocolate shake and some cookies too soothe him down.