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Emily Spinnet
13 Apr 2012
Chobham, England
First year, Gryffindor
24,3 cm alder wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Brunette with gray-blue eyes and fair skin. My hair isn't long but certainly isn't short, and I don't style it. It is not quite curly, more wavy. I am 150 centimeters tall. I have a swan-shaped birthmark on my arm.
Mental Description:
Exceedingly intelligent, but seems normal to the untrained eye. I'm shy yet one of the most loyal friends you will find. It's very hard to become friends with me because I can come off unfriendly, but once I settle in with you, friends for life. I'm not very emotional- unless something affects me truly and deeply, she is not likely to react. I am an old soul and don't usually like to mingle with my peers, finding them immature. Even with all this, I still find it in my heart for fun and have a great sense of humor (once homework is finished). I am dedicated and hard-working, not very patient, and try my hardest to be a good person. Riddles are a pastime of mine, both answering them and creating them, due to my cleverness and love of being mentally challenged. I reads all the time, loving fantasy stories the most, and both muggle books and wizarding tales.
I came from a loving family in a small and close-knit village in Surrey. I have a cat called Plum, two parents (mum is a witch, dad is a muggle), but no siblings. My only childhood friend died shortly before we were both to go off to Hogwarts, and this has left me feeling quite alone in the world. There are not many wizarding children in my village so I did not have many people to choose from for friends. I went to a Muggle school and quite enjoyed it, but ever since my magical talents emerged, I have not fit in socially and have wanted to develop my magic.
First Instance of Magic:
Plum, my cat, had gotten herself worked up at the appearance of the neighbor's dog and jumped from the fence up to the roof. As nimble as cats are, Plum lost her balance and fell. I at age 7 was in the garden helping my mother tend to vegetables, and saw it happen. I couldn't get there fast enough, but instinct told me to shoot out my arm, and when I did, the cat stopped falling, hung in midair for a moment, then was gently lowered to the ground. My mum cried out in ecstasy and astonishment, having seen the whole thing, and hugged me and the unfortunate cat.