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Olive O'Malley
30 Oct 2012
Cork, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
26,9 cm spruce wood and snallygaster heartstring

Olive boasts dark brown eyes, fair-toned skin and dark waist-length hair. She stands at 4 feet and 3 inches, and is stronger than your average kid.

Having grown up an only child with two incredibly busy parents, Olive has no problem finding her own way through the world. With confidence to boot, she is an excellent observer and analyzes the world around her with alertness and poise. This confidence can often reflect onto her peers as self-righteousness - for now Olive doesn't seem to mind. She strives for mastery of her skills, including her magical aptitude, charisma, and intelligence. She has a penchant for "quiet influence" or an ability to manipulate from behind-the-scenes. Power without fame or fortune; just control. This dominating aura along with her confidence and charm attracts friends and enemies of all types, especially the latter who confuse arrogant defiance and bravado with power.

Born to American-Irish parents in 2012, Olive's home life is busy and productive. These traits were hammered into her brain as a child, considering her parents' occupations. Her mother Saoirse was the owner and head chef of a local bakery in Cork while her father Thomas served as an American representative in Ireland for the Ministry of Magic. A year before receiving Olive’s Hogwarts letter, her father decided to retire in order to spend his time preparing olive for a life full of learning spells, potions, defenses and more. From ages 10 to 11, Olive and Tom travelled the world and introduces her to all of the wonderful things that the world, both muggle and magic, had to offer. When Olive and Tom arrived back home, she was ready for the big things that the Wizarding World had in store for her. Tom and Saoirse sold their bakery, and decided to move to the Scottish Highlands as empty-nesters and to be closer to Olive.

At age 10, during her and her father's travels to Wales, Olive noticed an ability to manipulate the things around her. Without much concentration, she found herself able to move objects and light candles if she simply thought about it. Jealous of her parents' abilities to use magic freely, she tried desperately to replicate the things they could do, like charming supplies to bake bread or use a self-writing quill to no avail. While at a port in Wales, she first discovered her ability to make things float. Both Olive and Tom were sitting on the ferry waiting to return home to Cork from Newport, and across the deck a man was belligerently intoxicated, yelling at passersby and singing loudly. Olive focused on the full bottle of hard liquor in his hand and watched in disbelief as it floated out of his hand. She willed it upside onto the floor of the deck, pouring generously on the floor, and the man began to yell. Tom couldn't believe the power of his daughter, and became so excited he laughed out loud. "Oi, that's not funny," the drunkard spat out of his mouth and began to stumble towards Tom and Olive. Her father quickly stood up, towering over the drunk and pushed him back into his seat. Olive was surprised by what she had done, and was excited to do even more.