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Rosemary Brown
22 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,2 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Basic Information
Nationality: European
Hometown/City: London, England
Current Resident: Hogwarts(During the school year) Their house in London(During holidays.)
Talents/Skills: Reading and Writing.
Background as a child: Grew up in a good household. Their father being a muggle but knew their Mother was a witch, and was fine with it. Their parents support Rosemary’s transition to Nonbinary.
First Intense of Magic(Accidental magic): When they were six they were trying to do magic because they saw their mom doing it all the time and thought it was cool. So they tried to light some candles, but they didn't know how, so they kept failing. Eventually they gave up and started to storm off in anger, and their anger ended up not just lighting the candles, but setting the whole candle and candle-holder on fire as well.
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Father’s parents: Don’t know about magic; occasionally come over for Holidays and are from Ireland. Mother’s parents: Purebloods who didn’t like that their daughter married a muggle so they never visit or even acknowledge their daughter’s family.
Relationship Skills: Kind, supportive, and a very lovely person to be in a relationship with.
Love Languages: Gifts and words of Affirmation.

Physical Appearance
Height: Age 11: 4’11’
Weight: 80 lb.
Race: English/European/White
Hair Colour: Raven Black.
Eye Colour:Light Green(Kelly Green.)
Skin Colour: Sand
Face Shape: Small, pointed nose, and small, rounded chin.
Distinguishing Features: Their eyes are light enough that they almost seem to glow in the dark.
Dress Style: Dark Academia. Main outfit: Black collared shirts with a dark green fabric jerkin and coat, over top, and wears black pants to match the shirt.
Mannerisms: Tends to be polite toward anyone, and if you are their friends they are always kind of supportive of you.
Physical Health: When they were little they were somewhat of a ‘sickly child’ but have grown out of that.
Hobbies: Cooking, Reading, Writing, Studying.
Favourite Saying(s)/Quote(s): “Words have now power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.” -Edgar Allen Poe
Style(Not to be confused with Dress Style): Sleak, Organized, Dark
Greatest Flaw: Over-Trusting Others.
Best Quality: Problem-Solving Skills.

Personality and Psychology
Personality Type: ISTP-T
Intro, Extro, Ambivert: Ambivert(Leaning on the more introverted side.)
Learning Experience(How well they do in class): Mostly good. They are smart and tend to work well in class.
Intelligence Level: High in almost everything, with history as an exception.
Mental Health: They have ADHD(Which is the reason they do poorly in History of Magic. They can’t focus.)
How do they seem themself: They see themself as a person who needs to be their very best so they can succeed in life. Has very low self-esteem.
How emotional; how logical: Somewhat emotional. Very Logical

Emotional Characteristics
What Frightens Them: Family dying, Failure, the unknown.
What makes them happy: New books, being with loved ones, doing well in school.
Are they judgmental towards others: They can be silently but they mostly are to themself.
Generous Or Stingy: Generous
Polite or Rude: Polite