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Charlotte Wentworth
20 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,9 cm cedar wood and dragon heartstring


Charlotte Wentworth


Full Name: Charlotte Wentworth
Nickname: Xia (Only by close ones)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her/They
Date of Birth: 20th July 2012
Zodiac: Cancer
Age: 11 years old (2023)
Year: First Year (2023)
Hometown: London, England (Former: China)
Ethnicity: Chinese
Blood: Muggle-born
Species: Human
Height: 4"4 feet , 132cm (2023)
Weight: 61.7 lbs , 28 kg (2023)
Parents: Father - James Wentworth, Mother - Xia Lu Xi (Lucy)
Personality type: ENTP

Physical Description:
A blank stare, and a little blink of her eyes gives you a glimpse of her innocence. A look of her deep-set emerald shining dark green eyes, it could make you warm even in winter. A faint line of dark circle had started to colour under her big round eyes. Her long eyelashes appear to make her eyes beautiful and feminine, with eyes of that, no one could be able to take their eyes off her within a minute of looking. Brown freckles around her nose, her facial features are beautifully built in a way that fits her hair.

Charlotte's dark, soft and deep-conditioned hair would fall just above her shoulders for easy keeping, however, she would often just let it grow long. Compared to her immature young face, her hair would make her whole appearance look to a more mature girl. Sometimes when she is annoyed, a rather shaggy and untamed hair could be shown apart from her untidy clothing.

With a rather short height of a 4"4 feet , she can't be unnoticeable despite being in a group of people of her own age. Slender body, long limbs and a rather small immature face, people can't help but stop to guess her age.

T-shirt and short skirt of her everyday wear, she also wears a single black hair band on her wrist. With earrings hanging on her earlobes, that would be what she liked to wear everyday.

Mental Description:
Charlotte's a top student in her old school, she has the image of a well-behaved school girl. But you can't be deceived by this, she has the stubbornness of a mule and competitive against everyone. She had a fist in a velvet glove, and always getting what she wants.

Charlotte would be aware and appear in a mature self in public, but can't help showing her real childlike self between her friends. She would skip along the corridors and danced in anyway she could.

Considerate l Cheerful l Confident l l Witty l Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting (ENTP-T) l Friendly l Happy l Imaginative l Lazy l Sensible l Romantic l Not a good temper

Charlotte was born in China to her father, James Wentworth, and her mother, Lucy. She lived with her parents, an older brother and a pet dog, Smoke in China, before immigrating back to England in January, 2022.

KC Academy was her school before she turned eleven. She had been a top student in her school, even at 5 years old, she was already studying with the other 7 year olds. Of course, being such a witty child, she would have lots of classmates and close friends. Sally had been her best friend in school, they had shared multiple memories together and had been the closest together.

Charlotte's an ambitious girl, she has lots of hobbies and stuff to keep her occupied everyday. She loved drawing, writing, violin, piano, listening to music and lots more. All these are her happy times before she immigrated back to England.

First Instance of Magic:

(Extract from Charlotte's Diary.)

London, England
March 20, 2022

Dear Diary,
Today, I went for a walk in the Broxbourne Woods along with Sally and Smoke. We somehow got lost in the woods after an hour of walking. However, we didn't really minded and started playing frisbee. At six 'o' clock, I thought it was time to go. I wasn't worrying about how we find our way out because Smoke is here to guide us back. But an extraordinary thing happened! I was holding on to a rope (or rather a string) that leads us back home. I somehow knew that it'll bring us home, but I wasn't very sure. I asked Sally about it but she didn't seem to see the string in my hands! That's a strange thing. But atleast we got home safely... I told mum about it but she couldn't understand too. Dear Dairy, maybe you could be the one who knew who did that?

Bye Dairy,

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says: I'm possible!