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Morouku Thermos
Beckermet, England
First year, Hufflepuff
33,9 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Background Information:

Morouku is an half-blood female, she is mixed with half-wizard from her mother, Emerson. Then from her father side with half-muggle, Kace. She was born in the city of Beckermet, within the land of England. She is the youngest from her brother, Hendrix. She comes from a middle-class family with just bits of wealth. She is usually a cheerful but shy young lady, by the age of eleven. She doesn't know much about magic from the fact her parents who didn't want their child to use magic at such a young age.

Hello! Whoever is looking at this...

I am Morouku. Of course I am a female so my pronouns are she/her. I have brown hair and hazel eyes. But I am from England and I have an accent as well.
I am a half-blood who is eleven years old. I am finally going to Hogwarts! I have gotta a letter,which was pretty odd to say. But coming from England, I also come from a city called Beckermet as well.

I don't really have any friends for the fact that I am pretty shy to people at the first view. I tend to keep to myself, but I am pretty friendly at the long run. It just takes me a while to get used to people. I want to go into Hufflepuff, as far as I think of what school my parents kept telling me about.

Yes my parents are still alive! But also I have an annoying brother as well. But I am pretty content and ready to get to know others. Also to get some magic up my sleeves!
Let's see my favorite color is red and my favorite music to listen to is probably some classical. I am pretty much here to learn and get to know others. Though I am not sure if any of that can happen but I hope so!

Anyways... If you want to chat, uh... give me a while until I warm up to ya! I don't know what else to tell ya but if you want to know more about me. Then of course just come along and ask after a little conversation.