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Theodore Abernathy
14 Jan 2012
Dorset, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
26,5 cm willow wood and rougarou hair
Physical Description:
Theodore looks like any other English lad. He is not very tall for his age; in fact, he is below average in height with a lanky build and shabby knees. He inherited his dark, straight hair from his father. Until he was 10 years old, his mother had taken him to the hairdresser. He had to wear an awkward hairstyle that looked as if it had been made to resemble a bowl. He protested. Now his haircut is less awkward. He is quite proud of it and he thinks that it makes him look like a more mature person now. He has an oval face with a soft chin and gentle features. He is pale, but his cheeks often turn red. This happens mostly when he is angry or when he is embarrassed about something. His eyes are bright blue, always shining with mischief. He got them from his mother. His parents usually buy him expensive robes. They want Theodore to look like a proper young wizard. Theodore is cautious with his clothes. He does not get dirty like other boys and his shirt is always tucked into his trousers.

Mental Description:
Theodore is the kind of child you don't need to see all day as long as you keep a book in his hand. He is quiet and at the same time a model of perfect behaviour. When he goes with his parents to visit relatives, he knows when to say thank you and when to compliment Aunt Bessie on her old-fashioned peacock feather hat. His parents raised him to be a young gentleman.
An only child, Theodore always wanted a younger brother to make him feel less alone, but in the end, his parents chose to buy him a small dog. He named him Merlin because he was reading a book about one of the greatest magicians of all time.
Theodore could be described as introverted. He prefers to observe, stay in the background and assess the situation before acting. He is shy and when he meets someone for the first time, his palms start to sweat. He often bites his tongue to avoid saying the wrong thing. Adults describe him as charming, but children often have nothing to say to him.
Despite this, he has a great deal of stubbornness. In short, when he wants something, he gets it. Often, even when his parents try to scold him, Theodore clamps down and no one can move him. He's right. He likes to have the last word, especially if he's read about something in a book and knows that's the way it is.
Theodore's insatiable curiosity defines him. He's always asking "why" and eager to unravel the mysteries around him.
Despite his cool, calm exterior, there is a gentle heart beneath his mask. Theodore has a perfect memory. His mother once told him she wanted the latest book by a famous witch author for her birthday, so he put aside a year's allowance to buy it for her. He is caring and never forgets to feed Merlin or take him for a long walk. His parents don't even have to make him.
His greatest hobby is books. His parents have built a large library in his room and his collection of books continues to grow. He likes adventure books about brave little wizards, but he's also quite fond of Hogwarts: A History, for example. He usually wanders off somewhere with a book, sits in the grass and returns in the evening when he realises that his mother will be calling him for dinner in a few minutes.
Most boys his age are interested in Quidditch, but Theodore hates flying. He's afraid of heights and, in his opinion, only fools who want to say goodbye to their lives quickly get on a broom. But he would never admit to being afraid out loud.

Theodore was born on a cold, rainy January morning. His parents, Francis and Cassiopeia Abernathy, had been trying to have a child for a long time without success, so Theodore was a small miracle for them. His place of birth was Dorset. Dorset is famous for its beautiful countryside, including rolling hills, meadows and farmland. Theodore's pureblood wizarding ancestors built a red brick manor house on a hill and protected it with intricate spells to keep Muggles out. Theodore spent his childhood there.
Francis Abernathy, Theodore's father, could be described as a quiet, peaceful man who loved his family. He works for the Ministry, but is only a lowly clerk and has never harboured any ambitions to rise to the top. You could say that Theodore inherited his character from him.
Cassiopeia, Theodore's mother, also came from a pureblood family. She always had a way with words, which is how she got into the Daily Prophet. It was often the case that she spent less time with Theodore than his father, as she had to fly all over England in search of new dramas. However, she never neglected her son and spent every spare moment with him.
So Theodore had a loving family, but he sometimes felt lonely, as there weren't many boy wizards in Dorset, so he often turned to books. His father spent a lot of time studying with him because Theodore demanded it. He learned a lot about the history of wizards and magical creatures. It had always interested him. Especially dragons.
He wasn't completely alone in this world and without friends. His mother had a sister who had a son. His name was Henry and he had always been Theodore's best friend, even though they were as different as night and day. Henry, who was older, had always been the braver, more courageous of the two. When Theodore came to stay with his aunt for the holidays, Henry always took him on adventures. At the same time, those were the only times Theodore got into trouble or was grounded.
Perhaps because the Abernathy mansion, old and haunted, was always empty, and because there were no children Theodore's age, little Theodore always looked forward to Hogwarts. He dreamed of meeting new friends there and maybe even having some of the adventures of his heroes from the books.

First Instance of Magic:
The first time magic appeared in Theodore's life was when he was six years old. He was visiting his aunt and went to play in the garden with cousin Henry. Henry suggested a simple game of hide and seek. Theodore wasn't very familiar with his cousin's garden, so he decided to hide in a place where Henry wouldn't find him easily.
Theodore ran around the garden, looking from side to side, hoping to find a decent hiding place. He spotted a tall oak tree, but it had its first branches planted low. He shot towards it and without hesitation began to climb up. Theodore had never been afraid of heights, so he climbed higher and higher. And then there was a sound: "Theo, I'm coming! I'll find you in ten seconds! You always hide behind our fountain!" Theodore smiled because his cousin was obviously mistaken, so he climbed even higher. Suddenly a branch snapped under his foot. He fell, not even having time to scream. He saw the ground below him. And suddenly, instead of falling into a pile of leaves, he landed on a pink mattress that had appeared out of nowhere beneath him. There were no broken bones, scrapes or other injuries. For the first time, Theodore used magic.
Henry caught up with him in a moment and when he saw his cousin lying on the mattress, he just grinned, "That was my parents' mattress. I think you'll be grounded for bathing it in leaves. Never mind! Now you'll be looking for me!"
Theodore got up from the mattress on shaky knees and from then on he was afraid of heights.