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Aoto Morales
Wizard born
22 Mar 2012
Lancaster, England
First year, Slytherin
27,1 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Aoto Morales, He is a male with dyed white and black hair. His eyes are as dark as night themselves, creating a sort of illusion of being pulled into a black hole when staring into them. His skin is mostly tan with patches of skin of other colors occasionally due to his vitiligo disease.

Mental Description: He is a kind and open minded individual as he was raised in an open minded household where everyone was open to be themselves as long as they didn’t hurt anyone. He is kind yet, very honest and wise.

Biography: Aoto Morales was always a kind hearted soul ever since he was born, unusual things happened around him. But the unusual was his normality. As he was born into a magical household he was always open to the idea that he would be experiencing great thighs through his lifetime. He lives in a household with his Mom, stepfather, and younger brother.

First Instance of Magic: Ever since he was seven years old, he’d always been tutored at home when it came to schooling. Even if he’d always been kind, his first instance of magic happened rather a bit unfortunately. He was out with a couple of friends when he was younger and accidentally fell due to an accident at the park. Which had been that he was pushed too hard on the swings (unknowing if it was on purpose or not). He was so upset that he broke his own glasses. Certainly strange but not too bad.