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Valdemar Hatter
11 Nov 2011
Northamptonshire, England
First year, Slytherin
31,3 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring

First Year,Slytherin.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Dormitory: Merlin.
Best Subject: n/a. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎ Worst Subject: n/a.
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RP: Open. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Owl: Open (IC and OOC).
TZ: GMT+1. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Response (RP): 2h to 3 days.
Active Threads:

Overall Wand Relation: Good, but new.
Valdemar and his wand found each other seemingly fast and with very little hassle. As it's still new, and they both share the tendency for running a temperament (not to speak of the length of the wand), is there an undoubtedly punch and eagerness - less so control of the actual spells; very likely to be the first to cast as well as the one to bog it up.
Bond: 7/10
Spell Accuracy: 5/10
Spell Strength: 6-7/10
Aim: 8/10
Likeliness of Accidents: 5/10
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Valdemar is a lanky thing, with long limbs and a long neck, a long nose, and long hair - long long long (besides perhaps his height, which carries him at 140cm). Sometimes even a long face, although this has less to do with a permanent attribute (when his sister hasn't decided to be exceptionally funny with her magic, that is). What's not very long, though it most certainly adds to the lanky, would be his narrow shoulders, always strung a little tightly and causing him to hunch. Not much, he's raised properly, but a little.
Just a smidge.

With big brown eyes, curls fighting for their life against the weight and length of his not-really-a-haircut haircut and a face full of freckles is he a, by words of others, 'cookie-cutter cutie' (his Nan's words) and 'dashing looking fella' (his Pop's contribution). Valdemar himself would like to disagree, not blind to his wide mouth and big, out-sticking ears which have coined him rather unflattering nicknames by siblings and acquaintances alike.

Most days is he found sporting various knits over button downs, ties bit too long for him still and a robust blazer which seems to be changing right before your eyes; patches moving places, the brown colour suddenly a more muted red with stripes and hasn't it grown a little longer?
To this, he either wears straight-legged suit pants in grey or dark blue shorts and under-knee socks always matching the tie worn (depending on the weather) - all tied together with very red, very glossy dress shoes.

'Sharp, but odd' is normally the shortened, concentrated version of what most would describe him as. Always with a hundred and one thoughts running inside his mind can he seem a bit aloof at times, staring straight ahead or seemingly losing track of the conversation currently had, but he always listens and is rarely caught at a loss for words - quite the opposite. Few, especially at this age, have as much to say or sit on as many opinions as young Mr. Hatter, a reoccurring reason for recurring trouble in which he finds himself; never having developed the common sense-bone to know when his words are (or aren't) wanted.

Besides this is he full of strange facts, bizarre (sometimes even crude) jokes, a tad self-centred and very open and friendly (with certain resignations towards certain, 'lesser' individuals). He loves to have focus on himself, is surprisingly good at handling the spotlight, and will never miss an opportunity to attract eyes on him.

His family is known to be of the eccentric and hot-headed kind, the type of odd-ball wizards that's always been around and has a toe in most things and events somehow, with Valdemar being no exception.

The Hatter family is a big, grand tree with deep-seated roots and high-reaching branches - well established within the Wizarding community and known for their strange lines of works chosen, colourful individuals and large families. At one point in time, the Hatters were known for taking harsh measures to keep 'mud bloods' out of both their own family and the Magical world alike, something which still stains their reputation at times as well as their view on anyone of "not-pure" heritage.

Valdemars' home life has never been very calm nor quiet, being the second youngest in a hoard of eight, magic-wielding children to two often occupied parents who (at times of need) would swiftly place their care in the hands of their grandparents or aunts and uncle alike, and the (to his eternal dread and suffering, when feeling particularly dramatic) only boy of the lot. Which, if being realistic, hasn't affected him more than the occasional fall-out about how unfair it is for no other reason than that his vote always pulls the shortest strand. 'Democracy' is the word that normally meets him then, followed by an ear-twist.
This doesn't mean it was, or is, un-good by any stretch of the imagination - it has just meant that he smells of dandelions and cocoa, forced outside (on multiple occasions) with cheeks caked in blush and knows very little about resurrected knights (because that's obviously what most boys his age are interested in. Obviously).

What the surname Hatter does come without, are heaps of friends. If not for their past feud with non-magic born or half-bloods alike, then due to their. . . unique ways and personalities. It's not that people take large measures not to talk to them, it's just that few choose to stick around. For this particular reason his parents settled for all their children to do homeschooling until their Hogwarts letter arrived, a common practice within the Magical community and therefore nothing which raised many eyebrows.
Hadn't it been for his many siblings, Valdemar might've found himself rather lonely (being a viciously social being), but now only smell possibilities at the prospect of meeting new folks.

. Monalina Hatter, Mother.
. Leander Hatter, (nee Lillypilly) Father.

SIBLINGS: (oldest to youngest)
. Linden Hatter, 28.
. Bessie Hatter, 24.
. Sol "Sunny" Hatter, 23.
. Elvera Hatter, 20.
. Arline Hatter, 17.
. Johnnie "June" Hatter, 14.
. Valdemar Hatter, 11.
. Fen Hatter, 10.

. Danika Hatter, (nee Plums) Grandma (mothers side).
. Vale Hatter, Grandpa (mother's side).
. Monica Hatter, Aunt (mother's side).
. Marigold Hatter, Aunt (mothers side).
. Messile Hatter, Aunt (mother's side).
. Huppert Hatter, Uncle (mother's side).
. Petrunia Lillypilly, Grandma (father's side).
. Aguston Hatter, Cousin (mother's side).
. Agravetta "Grettel" Hatter, Cousin (mothers side).
Note: Fathers side is less present as the Lillypilly family isn’t very big, and Leanders own father was a wizard from Scandinavia, leaving a big chunk of the family residing there; contact kept sparse and sporadic as things ended in messy terms.

That it would happen was of no concern or worry, having had no squibs in the family for many, many years (none at all, if asked Nan) but no one had foreseen Valdemar to be quite as late as he was - most of his siblings having had their first instance of accidental magic by the time they turned six. They'd always spoken of how lucky his birth date was and how it must mean great things for his magic, yet maybe it would prove the opposite entirely?

None of this was voiced to Valdemar, believing that it would do little good to make him feel alienated and worried; everyone and their late ancestors letting out the deepest of exhales as he (two weeks before his eight birthday), during a brawl with his older sister June about whether or whether not a Unicorn should classify as a Herbivores as it "does, in fact, hunt and devour flesh on the regular based off of Scandinavian tales" when - with red ears and red cheeks - the book in which they were looking, came jumping up with full force into June's face; like a cat pouncing its pray.

(Of course, this came with a scolding - one 'lacking all bite and unfairly short' if asked June.)