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Felix McCarthy
Wizard born
14 Feb 2012
Darfield, England
First year, Ravenclaw
21,5 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Hey there! Welcome to my profile. I'm a bit new here and I might need some help getting used to everything but I'm super excited to be here.

Physical Description: Felix is very tall for their age. They have blonde hair that they dyed themself, their natural hair color is a medium shade of brown but when they cut my hair they also dyed it blonde. Felix has big greenish blue eyes. They are rather muscular and pride themself on their arm muscles in particular.

Mental Description: They are rather quiet when they first meet people but once they can trust you and can get to know you they are very talkative. They can be a bit rude at times but they've been working on it and they've been a lot nicer recently. They are quite funny and when they actually speak they make everyone laugh. They prefer books over people and will most likely be found curled up in a quiet corner reading. They love studying and school in general.

Biography: Felix's lives at home with their mother and father who love them unconditionally. They love their little sister Voilet, she is independent and a little feisty at times but loves Felix and they have an unbreakable bond. Felix's father is always home, and he is super close to Felix and Voilet, on the contrary their mother is never at home because she is always working at the Ministery of Magic, but when she is home, she tries incredibly hard to spend time with her children.

First Instance of Magic: When Felix was about 4, they were playing with their toys alone in their room and they accidentally made all of the boats float, and the planes fly, and the race cars raced all around their room until their father walked in and laughed so loud that it broke Felix's focus and all of the toys went back to being normal toys.