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Quinn Dorsely
27 May 2012
Bakewell, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,3 cm ash wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Quinn stands at an average height for his age, his frame exuding youthful energy and a hint of growing confidence. His dark, fluffy hair cascades in loose waves, framing his face with a natural tousled charm. The deep, rich hue of his hair holds a mysterious allure, the strands possessing a slight bounce with every movement.

Quinn's defining feature, however, lies in his eyes – a warm, enchanting shade of honey brown that sparkles with curiosity and vitality. Within those expressive orbs, a world of wonder seems to reside, reflecting the innocence and eagerness of youth. They hold an inviting glimmer, drawing attention and hinting at a depth of understanding.

Quinn's complexion is smooth and carries a healthy glow, radiating the youthful vibrancy of childhood. His features are still in the midst of transition from boyhood to adolescence, with rounded cheeks that give him an endearing youthful appearance. A contagious grin often adorns Quinn's face, revealing a set of perfectly aligned teeth that light up his countenance when he smiles.

Quinn carries himself with a blend of youthful exuberance and budding self-assuredness, his movements reflecting a balance between the carefree nature of childhood and the burgeoning sense of maturity. Whether he's immersed in an adventure or lost in a book, his presence exudes an undeniable charm that draws people toward him.

Mental Description: Ambition runs deep within Quinn, driving him to approach every task with a resolute focus, always striving for excellence. His assertiveness fuels his eagerness to take charge, often stepping up to lead group projects or initiatives, effortlessly organizing and delegating tasks with precision.

Quinn possesses an insightful mind that delves beyond the surface. His intuition guides him to unravel hidden patterns and explore possibilities that others might overlook. He's a forward-thinker, envisioning grand ideas and crafting comprehensive plans to achieve his goals.

Plants hold a special place in Quinn's heart. He's captivated by the natural beauty and intricacies of flora, immersing himself in learning about different species, their growth patterns, and the delicate balance of ecosystems. He might spend countless hours nurturing his garden or conducting experiments to better understand plant behaviors, showcasing his curious and inquisitive nature that thirsts for knowledge.

While Quinn's demeanor may exude strength and assertiveness, he values diverse perspectives and input. He listens to others, although he tends to lean toward logic and rationality when making decisions.

Biography: Quinn was born to Benjamin and Eleanor Dorsely in the quaint town of Bakewell, England. The Dorsely family may not have been very wealthy, but they got along very comfortably and were well known in the wizarding world. Quinn grew up in a stone townhouse with a cheerful stream running behind it. Quinn was a surprise baby, unplanned but not unloved. Due to this, he has an older sister that is quite a few years older than him, nine years to be exact. At the age of two, Elodie, Quinn’s sister, was sent an owl with the acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Both their parents graduated from Hogwarts as well so you can imagine the joy Mr. and Mrs. Dorsely felt when their daughter was accepted at the age of eleven.

Despite living in a primarily muggle town, the Dorsely’s had a small group of wizards and witches in the nearby area that they would meet with. This allowed the children to be comfortable and confident in their world away from muggles.

When it came to schooling, Mrs. Dorsely home-schooled both of her children. She taught them how to spell and read using picture books of plants with their names. She taught them how to count, add, and subtract with the pebbles near the stream outside their home.

First Instance of Magic: One evening, Elodie was at school in her fourth year at Hogwarts, five year old Quinn was playing with pebbles outside while Eleanor was watching calmly close by. All of a sudden, a splash could be heard in the stream. Little Quinn ran over thinking it may have been a minnow jumping in the water but he saw nothing, confused, he shrugged and went back to playing. A few moments later, another splash could be heard and Quinn rushed over. A few ripples could be seen but no fish to be seen. Quinn turns to his mother, a puzzled look on his face. The only thing she gives him in response is a knowing smile and a call to go back inside for supper.

A Little Extra Information: Quinn's world revolves around his three captivating passions. In the realm of herbology, he becomes a devoted student, nurturing a diverse array of plants and delving deep into their healing properties. His garden is his canvas, a living masterpiece where he paints nature's beauty with careful tending and cultivation. Armed with a camera, he becomes a storyteller, capturing the garden's evolution through the lens, preserving its ephemeral moments in breathtaking photographs. With herbology as his anchor, Quinn's artistic flair blossoms, intertwining his green thumb, love for painting, and the art of visual storytelling through photography.