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Dusana Sabo
28 Apr 1993
Notting Hill, England
Nurse, Hogwarts, II
32,4 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: She was what some would call a sweetheart, with her round face and short stature. She uses this to her own adavantage. Blonde hair and blue eyes complete her look. She is never one to be under-dressed or without some flair, adding that one must always look their best when handling a crisis.

Mental Description: Depending on her mood, some would call Dusana a toasted marshmallow. Tough on the outside, soft on the inside. You had to be somewhat, to be in the healing industry. Others would scream black and blue that she was a harpy personified, although no veela blood ran in her veins. She was tough, exacting and treated nonsense with distaste.

Ever one from her own house, she was intelligent, quick-witted and would use her charms to help her own cause. Incredibly loyal though (a rub off her mothers House of the Badger), she would render help to anyone who stepped inside her domain.

Biography:Born to Louise Elliot and Milo Sabo in Notting Hill, England.

Milo Sabo, is a wealthy pureblood wizard hailing from a small family in Europe. He had attended Durmstrang in his youth, acquiring a fascination with the dark arts and potions. Travelling around Europe, he makes his living as a investigative journalist. His fascination of the dark arts had never left and he has always followed a dark and gruesome story, no matter how much he was told blood and dead bodies weren't for young children.

Louise Elliot, a potion maker for trade, has lived in London all her life. A pureblood witch, she taught Dusana all she knows about the art of potions and fashion. She worked for a brief time at the Ministry of Magic before stepping aside to take care of her daughter. The wealth that generations before her had acquired allowed her to set herself up to take care of her daughter before Dusana started school, and supply her potions to people and businesses as needed.

Dusana has lived most of her life in England with her mother. Although her father was very much in her life, her parents had separated at a young age. The differing views of how they should raise their child had led to inconceivable differences, and Milo Sabo had let his ex-wife take care of their daughter in her country whilst he returned to his native one on the European mainland.

Both of her parents were of the old pureblood stereotype- wealth, money, power. She had never, as a child and student at Hogwarts, wanted for anything. Any item of clothing, any pet. It had come to her upon asking. Even when she had graduated and travelled Europe with her father, she'd been granted access to the best tutoring and internships her familys money could afford. Was she a little unhappy about that? Of course, but she had worked hard to demonstrate her own skills and make her family proud.

Having taken some time off to gather herself in her twenties, she was now ready to take up the vacant mantle of school nurse.

First Instance of Magic: It wasn't the most unexpected thing in the world, showing magic. Especially since both her parents were purebloods. Magic had always been a part of her life, and the young Dusana was expected to show it too.

She'd been staying at her mothers house for the week, and the precocious six year old had been playing with her mothers dresses in the bedroom. Dress up was one of her favourite games, especially when Mama let her wear the pretty necklaces. Her mother had left the child alone, deciding she needed a break from the squealing and "Try this one on Mama!" Hats and dresses and necklaces and rings were all over the room, spilling out of boxes onto the bed and onto the soft carpet-lined floor.

Leaving the child seemed to be a mistake. Dusana, ever wanting to be just like her fashionable Mama had dressed up to the nines. Dress (charmed of course to be just the right size), pearls, big floppy hat and high heels. The shoes were her own choice. An item that her Mama would never allow her to wear without supervision. What if they broke? Or Dusana hurt herself?

Taking a slow turn around the room, the young girl obviously hadn't gone slow enough. The high heels were still too big, making her clomp around like a befuddled elephant. She'd been alright taking one, maybe two steps, but then disaster struck. She tripped over the dresses now littering the floor. She placed her arms out in front to catch herself in a sheer panic. Down she toppled, the lush carpet and dresses providing a soft blanket for her fall. The shoes though, didn't have that luxury. The heel of one had been snapped off. Hearing footsteps coming back towards the room, Dusana quickly shoved the shoes back into the box and set it on the bed. Maybe everything would be alright? Maybe Mama wouldn't care? She was magical after all. Magic fixed everything.

The soft swish of her mothers dress marked her arrival, and a tinkling laugh was all Dusana heard behind her before the woman reached over Dusana to the box. "Would you like to try the shoes on sweetheart?" With horror, Dusana stood mute watching the lid open and the shoes come out. With shock there was no exclamations or growls at her. The shoes came out good as new. What...had happened? Mama hadn't been in the room with her wand. Had she done that? It didn't matter. All that mattered was her being able to wear the shoes again, better this time, without Mama knowing of the incident.