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Glen Boren
Wizard born
22 Aug 2012
Hounslow, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,6 cm ebony wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Glen has dyed long silky platinum white hair and teal eyes and light soft skin and he has a sharp jaw line and thin eyebrows he is tall and average weight and he has average size ears and a small nose

Mental Description: Glen is a gentle and sweet boy he is kind and always happy and always has a smile on his face he loves to help others and is very smart Glen loves art and he loves to draw in his free time he draws sketches of his favourite foods and

Biography: Glen has great life growing up he was born and raised in England he was always very good at school and passed all his classes Glen has an older brother named Eddy boren his parents are Kristia and lvan boren and they are very loving parents they supported Eddy and Glen in everything and are always there for them they all get along very well

First Instance of Magic: Glen was 9 years old and he playing in his backyard of his 2 story house in England he was running around the yard chasing a butterfly when suddenly his mom called inside for a snack Glen was hungry so he ran inside and he saw a plate of strawberries on the table so he sat down and he began eating strawberries Glen loved strawberries it was one of his favourite fruits as Glen was eating his strawberries he accidentally swallowed one whole and he began to choke on it and he audibly began to cough up bubbles he was so surprised and so was his he kept on coughing bubbles then finally the strawberry was not stuck in his throat anymore and he stopped coughing bubbles Glen was still very confused but he and his mom had a good laugh about it