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Minnie Duke
10 Oct 2011
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
23,9 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Short blonde hair and white skin. Horn rimmed glasses and pale lips. Slightly tall, but skinny. Has a dragon necklace that she got from her parents on her seventh birthday for doing magic. Button nose and silver-black boots that go up to her ankles. She has a watch that has a moon on it and a bracelet she made with her best friend who is also magical.

Mental Description: Happy and always good for a laugh. She loves books and plants. Her favorite thing to do is to bake with her friend. She loves to act in theater and to write. She has a bit of mischief in her, but hates people being mischievous to her. Growing up around magic, she loves to watch it and to learn about it. She's always ready to tell you a fact about the newest update in the magical world.

Biography: Minnie has two siblings, her older sister who's a second year and a younger brother who's ten. Home is always active and fun, with loud noises a lot. She loves to bake with her family, so they try out new recipes all the time, sometimes magic recipes. Her best and only friend is a pure-blood who lives next door. She lives in a large mansion like house out in the urban area's and her best friend is in the house next to hers. Her older sister loves anything to do with catching bad guys and brewing potions. She wants more than anything to be an Auror when she grows up. Her younger brother loves dragons and other mythical creatures. He really wants a niffler or a bowtruckle when he grows up-or now.

First Instance of Magic: Minnie's first accidental magic was when she was seven. Some bullies were running after her, telling her that she was stupid and slow. They had almost caught up to her when she suddenly went super fast, like a super speed. She ran all the way home. Her parents were very surprised, and then happy for her.