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Kate Jones
Cheshire, England
First year, Hufflepuff
34,9 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Kate Jones is a fiery and fierce girl who always stands up for what she believes in. She has a quick temper, and isn't the best at controlling her emotions. She is a metamorphmagus and her hair changes depending on her emotions. She is friendly and kind when she wants to be, but she can turn into your worst nightmare if you mess with her friends or family. She is extremely bright and loves learning and when she got her Hogwarts letter she was thrilled. She isn't very organized and when she is stressed everyone can tell. When she is mad, she is very mad, and no one wants to deal with her because they are scared they would get cursed. (This goes back to having a quick temper) When she hurts people's feelings she feels horrible and is very hard on her self. She has always been an over achiever and turns out being the teacher's pet. She acts tough on the outside but can be very sensitive sometimes. She is definitely a major extravert and loves being with people. Quiddditch is not really her thing but she loves watching. She is terrified of failure and letting people down. She feels the need to keep her guard up but she can still let loose around her closest friends. All in all, she is a fun-loving, friendly, loyal girl who just wants a place.