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Robert Posada
02 Jun 2012
Basingstoke, England
First year, Slytherin
26,3 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Robert has light brown hair that falls into his eyes. He has hazel eyes with golden flecks. He is 4'8 and a little tall for his age. He can usually be found in his wizarding robes.

Mental Description: Robert is closed off and hard to get to know. He learned bad behaivor from his parents and is prejudiced against Muggle Borns. He is very smart and has amazing grades. He can be aggresive at times but once you get to know him he is actually really nice.

Robert has an incredibly strict family. He is an only child which makes his parents even more strict. His father's name is Clyde Posada and actively works against muggle-borns. He believes that they are lesser than wizard born and should not be permitted to live in the wizarding world. Robert kind of disagrees but it is hard for him to know because this is how he has been raised.. His mother, Clary Posada, cracks down on Robert every day about his grades. She is not as bad as his Dad and shows what she dubs "tough love". If he doesn't have Outstanding in everything she gets mad and grounds him. His parents were never physically abusive but they were verbally and mentally abusive. His house is toxic but he would always go to his friend Graces house when he needed to get away. She is from Drumstrang and they hit it off really well. They met when they were younger around the time Robert ran out on his parents after a bad argument. His parents had carted him home but Grace has always been there for him ever since. They send each other owls all the time and they constantly wish they went to the same school. His parents don't approve of Grace but permit him to hang out with her because she is a pure blood..

First Instance of Magic: Robert was climbing a huge tree in front of his house and slipped and fell after a flock of birds flew into his face. Instead of crashing down to the ground he simply floated down as light as a feather. He was estatic and really excited.