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Spatula Cook
13 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,2 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Spatula Cook is a half-blood with grey-blue eyes and dark-blonde hair going down to her shoulders. She is ambitious and intelligent, but not very good at sports. However, she enjoys watching her friends play and cheers on from the sidelines. Spatula is stubborn, quick to anger, clever, methodical, and quick-witted. She was born on Friday the 13th in July, 2012, and raised in the bustling city of London. Her mother was a witch and married her father, who was a Muggle. The father figured out that the mother was a witch, and was fine with it. Unfortunately, the father died in a car accident when Spatula was five years old. Spatula's grief and anger caused her to practice accidental magic for the first time, setting part of their flat on fire (which was quickly extinguished by the mother). The family moved on and lived peacefully until Spatula received her Hogwarts letter. Spatula was sad to leave behind her friends, school, and hometown, but very excited to become a witch, just like her mother. Her mother often used spells at home, but although Spatula was familiar and comfortable with magic around her, she hadn't learned any spells yet. In preparation for joining Hogwarts, she read all her coursebooks and took an interest in the History of Magic, Herbology, Potions, and Charms. She was sorted into Ravenclaw. Her interests include reading, criminology, history, and botany.