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Yehor Barns
20 Jul 2012
Crawley, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,4 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Meet Yehor Barns, an 11-year-old with sandy-brown hair that always seems a bit tousled, blue eyes that sparkle with curiosity, and a perpetual mischievous grin. He's of average height for his age.

Mental Description: Yehor is an inquisitive and adventurous soul. His enthusiasm for magic is matched only by his love for exploring the hidden corners of the magical world. Despite being mischievous, he has a kind heart and a genuine desire to make friends. Yehor is a quick learner, though sometimes his impulsive nature can get him into amusing predicaments.

Biography: Hailing from Crawley, Yehor was born into a family deeply rooted in magical traditions. The Barns, a pure-blood wizarding family, have a long-standing history at Hogwarts. Yehor grew up surrounded by stories of magical exploits from his parents and older siblings. At home, the Bennett residence was filled with laughter, magical mishaps, and a rich sense of wizarding heritage.

First Instance of Magic: Yehor's first magical mishap occurred when he was 8 years old. While attempting to retrieve his toy broomstick from the top shelf, he accidentally caused all the nearby objects to levitate and swirl around him. The spectacle both amazed and terrified his younger sister, who promptly ran to fetch their parents. It was this incident that confirmed Yehor's acceptance letter to Hogwarts was inevitable.