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Scarlett Notte
10 May 2012
Paisley, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
32,1 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Scarlett always had the face shape of her mother. That strong nose and plump face that made people comment on how cheery she looked when she smiled. Scarlett's father however gave her those honey eyes, tan skin, and dark hair. Often remarking how much she resembles her aunts although she has never met them. Scarlett comes in around 4'11 or 147cm making her taller usually compared to her other classmates. Her frame is a bit more round as well; however, this comes from spending plenty of time helping out around her family's farm. Making her quite a strong little girl.

Mental Description: Scarlett is dedicated worker, always willing to try her best and keep trying despite failure. However, she has never been the best academically finding math or things like potions to make her head spin. However, her gift lies with understanding more of the natural things. Finding an affinity for plants, animals, and work that requires getting your hands dirty sometimes. She is one of few words having not attended a school of any kind, but she always tries to help silently and is a good listener. Scarlett is more of a neutral party on most issues, not worrying herself with drama or other issues unless she gets pulled into it or something in the more natural world is getting threatened.

Biography: Scarlett grew up on a farm in Scotland. Everything was pretty slow all things considered! From a young age she helped around the barn with the animals or with chores, it just being her mother, father, and herself. Scarlett had an older half-sister, but she lived off with her own father and would visit their family only in the summer. Growing up, it was a little lonely for her. Finding something to do after the family tutor would visit every week. Aside from farm work she found herself exploring the nearby forests or witling wood. However, she as a half-blood even though her father wanted to stay connected to his muggle life with the farm, her mother would often tell her stories of the great wizarding school she will attend one day. Or of all the magical creatures she'd see one day, that always got her interested. So, Scarlett would busy herself until she could one day go to this amazing school instead of just taking care of the chickens for comfort or fixing the haystacks when she was bored.

First Instance of Magic: Scarlett always had a little bit of magic in her hand. She always could do things the muggle way as well, finding days of hard work to be best done by strength and will. Yet, even with a sleepy farm life trouble always arouse that was outside human control. Scarlett would insist her first time of using magic was when she somehow pulled a small calf out of a cold pond feeling it rise more than she ever could, but her mother would always tell her 'She was a strong little girl and that was a very small cow', but she digressed. The first time she had properly used magic that was undeniable was when a small fire had broken out in the barn at around the age of nine. An unexpected accident as one of the animals had knocked over a candle, but it was just Scarlett in there. She was a tall kid but wasn't tall enough to reach the pail of water situated atop a shelf, her father had forgotten it there. Her mother had walked in and hadn't expected to see it float down into the little girl's hands as she doused the flames stopping them from growing.