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Jam Chong
11 Nov 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,4 cm chestnut wood and white river monster spine
Physical Description: pale-ish complexion, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, black glasses, dresses in a very autumnal style whatever the weather, and usually wears my hair in a messy low bun

Mental Description: kind to as many people as possible, forgives easily, funny, introvert unless with close friends, academically-driven, and pretty much loves displaying all 5 types of love languages, especially words of affirmation

Biography: has a close relationship with grandma and older cousin. i usually go out with my grandma for lunch in the mall 5 minutes from our house. i also have a younger sister who annoys me a lot but i usually bring her to school in the mornings. my father and mother are both working. only has a few close friends but spends a lot of time with them. i dont really find it easy to maintain friendships and relationships but i try my best!

First Instance of Magic: went on a camping trip with my cousins on the banks of the river thames in london for the first time when i was 9. the place was quite deserted and not many muggles were around. the only 2 tents were on the opposite side of the banks and they were all inside their tents. my cousins were setting up the tent when dinner time rolled around so they instructed me to light a fire and cook the noodles we had brought. it seemed the matches in the box we brought were faulty, as none of them could spark a flame. my cousins were calling out relentlessly from the back about how hungry they were and i tried to explain how the matches weren’t working. in frustration, i threw the box of matches on the floor. just as the box made contact with the floor, the makeshift stove caught fire and it burnt bright and orange. before i could process the situation, my cousins came around and helped cook our dinner.