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Juniper Kyteler
29 Jul 2012
Londonderry, Ireland
Second year, Slytherin
23,0 cm rowan wood and rougarou hair
Physical Description:
Height ~ 5 feet
Skin Tone ~ white and pale, easily flushed when embarrassed or feeling shy
Eye color ~ icey blue eyes
Hair ~slightly wavy red hair that goes past her shoulders, normally worn down but is put in a high ponytail when she is flying on her broom or in an intense reading session
Extra ~ slender and small framed but tall, very agile and quick, sort of lanky.

Mental Description:
Juniper is studious, quiet, contemplative and a natural introvert. She prefers the company of books over people. Can be sarcastic and quippy if annoyed but is mostly kind to those who are kind to her. She is far more serious than most her age.
Likes ~ reading, learning, magical creatures and animals, especially cats and unicorns, history (both muggle and magical), broom flying, quidditch and butterbeer
Dislikes ~ parties and loud gatherings, ignorant people, class pranksters (she doesn’t appreciate her learning being disturbed), cooked mushrooms, bullies
Hobbies ~ reading, nature walks, broom flying and quidditch
Fears ~ clowns and death
Strengths ~ Logical, hard working, very agile and quick in her movements
Weaknesses ~ Stubborn, rigid and cynical, maintains composure during times of stress but will become very quiet, is a nail biter (a habit that drove her mother crazy) especially when nervous.
Career aspirations ~ Since seeing a portrait of a unicorn at the age of six, Juniper has wanted to be the UKs leading expert in magizoology with a focus on Unicorns.

Father ~ Edilius Kyteler
Mother ~ Navira Kyteler (deceased)
Siblings ~ older brother Aster Kyteler (16 years old, attends Durmstrang) younger sister Willow Kyteler (5 years old, lives at Kyteler Estates)
Relatives ~ Has many aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins etc.
Best Friends ~ Her siblings and houseelf
Friends ~ none currently
Love Interest ~ none currently

Family Backstory:
The Kytelers are one of the earliest Irish pure-blood wizarding families, dating as far back as the 1200s. The family was hunted throughout history and especially in the Middles Ages resulting in a distrust of muggles and the insidious belief of pure-blood supremacy. Prior to the end of the Second Wizarding War the family had strong links to prominent Dark wizards and witches and valued the Dark Arts. Junipers family were not Deatheaters however a few more distant members of the family are currently serving time in Azkaban due to dark magic affiliations. After the Second Wizarding War the family distanced themselves from the Dark Arts. The family motto is “Officium Familiae Semper”, translating to Duty to Family Always. The family is tightknit and traditional, only recently ending the practice of arranged marriages. The current head of family is Junipers paternal grandfather Egron Kyteler, an ill-tempered and chilling old wizard.

Junipers father (Edilius) is the first born son of Egron Kyteler and Mystia Kyteler nee Bulstrode. Edilius is cunning, strict, cold and always proper. Juniper gets her love for quidditch and flying from her father. His love for the sport inspired him to find work in that area despite coming from a wealthy family, landing a job soon after his Hogwarts school days at the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Edilius and Junipers mother Navira Kyteler nee Avery were betrothed since childhood and married when they were 20. Although never in love, Edilius and Navira developed a strong friendship and always remained loyal to one another. They had their first born son Aster shortly after they were married. Aster is arrogant and haughty, but he is kind to his family and those he deems worthy of being his friends. He attends Durmstrang as Edilius was adamant for his son to attend a school that puts emphasis on the Dark Arts. Next was Juniper and then Willow. Willow is a kind little girl who is 5 years of age. She often daydreams and has her head in the clouds. Navira was exceedingly kind to those she considered friends and unconditionally loved her children. She had an interest in potions and regularly experimented with potions. She used a small cottage in a grove on the Kyteler Estates for her potions laboratory. Tragically, she passed away two years ago due to an explosion from a potion experiment gone wrong where she was attempting to decrease the brew time for Polyjuice Potion. Edilius was always a strict and cold father but with Navira’s death he has become completely indifferent to Juniper and Willow who are spitting images of their mother. So he has left them to be raised mostly by their house-elf but also the many aunts that come to visit to take over Navira's role, for how could the girls become proper pureblood women if they didn't have any to look up to.

Juniper's childhood:
Juniper grew up at the Kyteler Estates in a rural area outside of Londonderry in Ireland. The mansion is excessively large with sprawling rolling hills surrounding it. When she was younger Juniper often got lost in the maze that was her home with the countless rooms. Many would be in awe of that mansion however Juniper has always found it excessive and cold with all its gold and marble accents. Her entire upbringing has been directed at shaping her to be the perfect pureblood wife with strict routines, attending social events and taking dance, music, private magical theory and magical history lessons (only theory of course as practicing magic outside of Hogwarts underaged is illegal). This left very little time for playing and being a child. Juniper's personality conflicts with her parents idea of a perfect pureblood girl, one who is bubbly and sociable, eager to participate in high society. Juniper has always preferred being by herself, cozied up next to a roaring fire, reading a book. She despises social balls and dinners constantly fighting with her parents when she had to attend an event.
Despite her upbringing entrenched in pureblood supremacy ideals, Juniper is very close to her family’s house-elf Mopsy and treats her with kindness and respect. She has always thought that pureblood supremacy was ridiculous especially once she heard of the escapades of Hermione Granger. While her mother was alive, Juniper spent most of her free time with her family especially her mother and little sister. Since her mothers passing, Juniper has seen her father less and less with him busying himself with work and going on constant work trips. This is fine with Juniper for her father has never been particularly kind to her. He has always viewed her as a disappointment despite her cleverness. Juniper herself became more withdrawn and quiet after her mothers death. Juniper is very close to Willow and used to read to her before bed every night before leaving for Hogwarts. Aster and Juniper get along splendidly, his are the only pranks she will tolerate and even enjoy. Aster’s loud and overbearing nature clashes with Juniper’s quiet and introverted nature but somehow, they’ve always managed to remain close.

First Instance of Magic:
Her first significant incident with accidental wandless magic occurred when she was four years old at Kyteler Estates, her brother had taken a toy from her causing Juniper to have a temper tantrum. When he accidentally broke the toy this temper tantrum ended up causing all the glass (windows, dishes, mirrors, etc.) in the room to shatter, not even the crystal family heirlooms were spared much to her mothers despair. Her mother had always been excited for Juniper to experience Hogwarts and it has always struck Juniper as tragic that her mother did not live to see her get her Hogwarts letter. Her father didn’t even bat an eye at the news of her Hogwarts acceptance, it just simply was expected and he would not have accepted any other outcome.