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Kenzi Jade
16 May 2012
Lacock, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,9 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
"You asked us a question and she knows the asnwer!!"
-Ron Weasley

Age: 11
Weigh: 89 pounds
Hight: 4 feet 11 inches

Physical Description: She has dark blonde hair with very light red dyed at the tips, her eyes are a grey-blue color. yeah idk..

Mental Description: she does have social anxiety but shes really nice especially with close friends.

Biography: She was born May 16th, 2012. To her Mother and Father, Jennifer and David Jade. She was born in a small house on monroe drive (made up dw) She grew up around a bunch of pet cats making her a huge cat person. Her mother and father divorvced when she was 7, leaving her with her mum and 2 sisters.

First Instance of Magic: Her first use of underage magic was when she was around 9 years old, she was riding her bike with her sisters down the road before a car suddenly came and her sister couldn't get out the way in time, as the car came she suddenly made her sisters bike get thrown out of the way (she wasn't hurt)

Things She Likes: one thing about her (might be because shes muggle-born) is that she LOVESS muggle food, strawberries to be exact. her favorite animal is cats and foxes, one thing she loved to do was explore forests and streams for random stuff. her favorite artists are billie eilish and lana del rey.

pfp credits to @Agangan on picrew!