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Reina Ville
25 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
25,4 cm chestnut wood and kneazle whiskers
Physical Description: Reina is a ginger-head girl standing in 4'11 with a slim figure. She has light blue eyes. She has bangs on her ginger hair.

Mental Description: Reina is a girl who's not afraid to speak her mind and is confident with public speaking. She's full of energy and is often full of joy and jokes. But she is incredibly smart for her age. She tends to bite her nails when she is nervous. She loves to read books and started to read at age of 3. She began writing poems and novels at the age of 6 with the help of her parents.

Biography: Reina comes a from a full blood family so she never heard about what muggles use in their daily lives. Her family supports her studies through homeschooling on her early years. Her mom is a sweet woman who is often the one who teaches Reina during her homeschooling. Meanwhile her dad has a strict personality but still he loves her daughter very much as it is their only child and pride.

First Instance of Magic: At the age 0f 4, only two weeks after Reina just started to fancy and read books, Reina accidentally made her books levitate. It amazed her younger self and her father found her clapping and smiling at the sight of her books seemingly floating.