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Idell Tallent
24 Aug 2012
Newport, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
35,3 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:

Idell has long brown hair, brown eyes. She has a small nose and a fine mouth. She is of normal build for her age. She has very pale skin.

Mental Description:
Idell loves the music, the animal and the drawing. She dislikes the sport and reading. She likes the fruit, the fish and she loves the chocolate. Her favorite color is red. Her favorite subject at school was history. She is rather calm but does not like to respect the regulations. She is studious and interested in just about everything. She can't wait to discover this new world.


Idell was born on August 24, 2012, in Newport, Wales. Both of his parents are Muggles. His mother's name is Ellen and his father's name is Robert. Before receiving the letter, Idell went to school like all the other children her age, there she had two real friends, both boys named Arthur and Zacharie. She was very sad not to be able to see them again, but she didn't mind not seeing Romane again because she was a girl who regularly bothered her at recess.

First Instance of Magic:

The first signs of her magic arrived on her seventh birthday, when she was outside riding a bike with Zacharie and Arthur, Romane and her friends came to bother her and stole her bike. While she was running after Romane, to pick him up, who was running much faster than her, the bike had attached itself to the ground and this caused the young girl to fall to the ground. Romane tried as hard as she could, but the bike didn't move. When Idell arrived, she just had to put her hand down to pick it up.