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Riley Bluemount
Wizard born
31 Oct 2011
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
26,3 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Age: 12
Weight: 75 pounds
Height: 4 foot 6 inches

Physical Description: I have long flowing brown hair that is usually braided in some fashion with sky blue eyes and a pale pink complexion. Outside of school, I normally wear ankle length dresses or collared shirts and dress pants.

Mental Description: I am loyal to those I deem friends and very protective of those I love. I am mindful of my choices and open to changing my opinion where warranted. My greatest strength is my willingness to learn from my mistakes.

Biography: I am the middle child of three. My older brother currently works as a researcher for the Ministry of Magic in the Magical Creatures Department. My parents live with my fun Aunt Elise, who is always finding new ways to invite trouble with my younger sister who is too young to go to school. At home, I would play pranks on them all and the favor would be returned but always with joy and never hate.

First Instance of Magic: I was an early bloomer, literally. When I turned six I was upset because I wanted to have flowers on my birthday. It was in the middle of fall, and I had not run out of the house but a few steps when flowers bloomed everywhere my feet landed.