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Klynn Seacrown
15 Jun 2012
Cheltenham, England
First year, Slytherin
21,2 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: He is a human with pale skin and brown-blonde hair. He wears amber coloured contacts, both for use and for appearance, while his natural eye colour is blue. He stands at 4'7.

Mental Description: He is a straightforward individual who has a dry sense of humour which is often in the form of sarcasm. He doesn't go out of his way to interact with others and tries to avoid attention, but will take a lot of pride in his achievements. He is also extremely insistent that people need to use common sense a lot more. He hates having the focus be on him and prefers to view things from the back, rather than be front and centre. He mostly retains a neutral face while experiencing the emotions inside. Due to both his blank look and monotone voice, he feels he comes off as harsh, which many seem to think as well, though he doesn't try to correct himself in a more polite tone and instead just carries on. Despite his lack of social interaction, he's highly observant and not amused when he figures out he is being lied to: either in facts or a person's nature

Biography: He comes from a well off pure-blooded wizard family. His father was a magizoologist and his mother was a herbologist. He was taught by his auntie who was a teacher in a muggle school. She taught him basic education. He didn't have very many friends due to other kids mistakenly thinking he believed they weren't as smart as him.

First Instance of Magic: When he was 6 years old, he wanted to read his favourite story book, but he was unable to find it. After storming around the house, unable to find it, he cried until eventually the book appeared on the floor in front of him. His parents came home and were shocked since he wouldn't have been able to reach the bookshelf that the book was on. This led to them realising that he had begun develop his magic.