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Brenda Taylor
30 May 2012
Hutton Mulgrave, England
First year, Hufflepuff
34,5 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Brenda Taylor has pretty blonde hair with natural highlights, soft brown eyes, and is pretty tall for her age. In the summer, the sun bleaches her hair so that it is almost white. If you look closely, you can see that her eyes almost have little tiny flecks of green. She has an athletic body and besides her Hogwarts uniform, will most likely be wearing soft, sport-like pants and a nice formal shirt.

Brenda loves to read anything that's long and has no pictures. She is also an eager child ready to learn anything new. Not only is she obsessed with learning about the historical trio, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, but also a muggle musical called "Hamilton." The musical is about American history which she likes learning about even more than the history of England.

Before attending Hogwarts, Brenda attended a small-local-public-muggle school in the little town she lived in, Hutton Mulgrave, England. There she enjoyed muggle sports, school, friends, and much more. She spent her years in the muggle world forming an awesome group of friends and a strong bond with her little brother. At Hogwarts she looks forward to attending classes, making friends, getting to know the castle, and the wizarding world.

When Brenda was five years old, she experienced her first dilemma with underage magic. Her mother had sent her into her bedroom because she was caught eating sweets before dinner. When she was told to do so, she got so angry and felt a ball of power rise from her core and into her head. One second her mother's beautiful vase full of pretty red roses was on the table and the next it was shattered on the floor. Nobody knew what happened until a representative from Hogwarts came to explain that she was a witch.