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Virginia Crowe
25 Sep 2011
Kirklinton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
34,8 cm alder wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Virginia has brown hair, tanned skin, blue eyes and a symmetrical face.

Mental Description: Virginia can be stubborn and mean. Occasionally she will be nice depending on the person.. she strongly believes in first impressions.

Biography: What would a muggle like Virginia be doing at Hogwarts? Virginia had lost her mother in a car accident when she was 10, and her father was/is somewhere in Albania doing research for his job. She lived with her grandma for that year. Her grandmother didn't like to talk very much. So all Virginia would do was sit up in her tiny room and stare out the window every single day.

First Instance of Magic: Virginia was 10 years old when she discovered a bit of magic.. "what in the world.." she said quietly. She still felt the anger and grief inside of her. Her mother had just passed away in a car accident, and tears were sliding down her red cheeks. She stared at the rose as it floated up, Virginia jumped back in surprise and shock, the rose had shed its petals... Virginia bent down to pick up the rose petal that had landed on her sneaker, she examined it, it caught in a small fire, Virginia dropped it quickly and ran back home. She forgot about it in a year, until a strange man appeared knocking on her grandmother s s front porch. The strange man wearing 'weird robe clothes' explained to both her grandmother and her, about the wizarding world, he was a Hogwarts representative. Virginia still remembers her grandmothers face to this day, pure shock. But she was rather excited, and now that rose from a year ago made perfect sense. "Hope to see you at Hogwarts soon." The man said. Virginia beamed and ran up to her room, she started packing her stuff right away.