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Callie Prior
30 Jan 2012
Bristol, England
First year, Slytherin
28,7 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Callie Prior is an average height 11 year old. Her natural hair colour is golden-brown and it reaches down to her lower back. She has big hazel eyes and a few beauty spots dotted over her tanned skin. She wears quite a lot of silver jewellery, passed down from her family. She loves fashion and make up, and never looks the same as the day before. Her main out of school attire style is a mix between vintage and Y2k. Her favourite colour is green so she wears that a lot.

Callie suffers with Anxiety and PTSD, she has a few family issues and general insecurity issues, but other than that, she's a very cheerful character. She loves a good banter and loves being with friends. She is very caring and always known as the 'Counsellor' to the people around her as she likes helping people.

Callies first unintentional encounter with magic was when she was 5 years old. She accidentally made her parents float around the kitchen whilst laughing at them. Callie had no idea how she did it, it just happened whilst she was feeling happy. Her parents were shocked but knew then and there that she would become a great witch.

She has quite a few friends at Illvermorny as the family travelled a lot due to her fathers work. She keeps in touch with them as much as she can. She has always been very interested in research and has always been amazed by the wizarding world, despite being a pure-blood. Her family manor is located in the South of England, but her parents aren't always home as they are very committed to their careers.

Callie comes from a long lost line of Wizards, one of her ancestors in fact being involved in the Salem Trials. Her father works at the Ministry, in the Department of Mysteries. Her mother is a journalist for the Daily Prophet due to her skills in Legilimency. Callie's aunt used to work in Muggle studies, until she went a little mad. She often shares her findings with Callie, without her parents knowing.

Edits have been made.