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Clara Sprout
Wizard born
04 Jan 2012
Inverness, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
21,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Hi, my name is Clara Sprout. I live in Inverness, Scotland and I have blonde curly hair and bright golden eyes like the sun. I have fair skin and freckles. I have a strong figure.
I am very loving I really think through things a lot and am very smart. I am loyal to the people who are around me but I always protect them if someone messes with them. I love jewelry and love wearing it. It just gives me a subtle way to express myself.
My family consists of my mom, dad and me. I once had a sister named Bella but I unfortunately lost her not long ago due to her falling off of her broom. But other than that like is very good and I have a lot of friends who are my neighbors. My neighbors are also witches and wizards. I spend a lot of time biking and playing in the street with them. I love nature and love learning about it so I climb trees a lot. I also really enjoy playing with the Highland cows in Scotland. They are so adorable.
I was once playing with my friends in my neighborhood then they hurt a bee that flew by and I got so mad. I was so angry. Then something really weird happened to them they started to lose their hair. Like big chunks of hair were just falling out and then I realized what happened.