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Regulus Tennant
27 Aug 2012
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
30,1 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
*edits have been made again*

They have short ebony hair and brownish black eyes. Usually don't smile much. They have fair skin and have a couple of ear piercings - two round ones on the lower lobes and 3 loops on the upper right ear. Occasionally wears glasses. They are around 4'6 which is not that tall.

They are very introverted and looks intimating but they are really nice. They are shy around most people but gradually warms up to people after hanging out for a few weeks. They can be fun to be around, always making dad jokes that their friends would laugh at.

Life before Hogwarts is really stressful for Regulus because they struggle to communicate with people which lead to people getting wrong assumptions about them, leaving them in solitude for the majority of time. The only thing keeping Regulus going is their love for learning about new and unique things like magic from their father's old textbooks. They love trying out new things to keep them entertained, like playing the piano, learning a new language, cooking, etc.

The first accidental magic is when Regulus was 5 and they were really down and want some time alone but the busy classroom does not provide that. Regulus was stressed and they sneezed, accidentally shattering a cup on their desk.

Additional info: Father is a wizard while mother is a muggleborn. Regulus also has a baby sister around the age of 2.