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Elena Drooble
14 Jun 2012
Westminster, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,5 cm poplar wood and unicorn hair
Beautiful, long straight blond hair, eyes like the sea after a storm, 4ft, 5in. (Can she be half-Veela?)

Happy, cheerful, standing up for others is important to her, . While others think that she wanted to go to Hogwarts to learn, (while of course that is important to her) she wants to go for the experience of it all.

Pre - Hogwarts she has had a great life. She had lots of friends and her parents adored her, she was originally home-schooled before her parents decided to get her a tutor at age 9. And at age 10 her parents adopted a cat for her. She loves to ice skate, bake, do 3D art and ballet. She spent eleven years living a joyful and fulfilling life. Growing up in a small magical village, her childhood was filled with love and laughter. Her family, made up of two magical parents, provided a supportive environment, guiding her towards discovering her own magical abilities.

She loves playing with her cat. One day her cat broke a very lamp. and she was so scared for her relationship with her parents and so she pulled herself together and thought and thought. All of a sudden the lamp, like a jigsaw puzzle, put itself together. She was so shocked by the discovery. And the very next day she got her letter to Hogwarts.

My mother fell in love with my father, when the tri-wizard tournament was held at beauxbatons he is from hogwarts.

I have made the edits! Thank you!