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Pearla Vexx
01 Feb 2012
Leicester, England
First year, Slytherin
27,8 cm cherry wood and white river monster spine
Physical Description: A pallor girl whose brunette hair bends and curls with a mind of its own. The hair extends to her lower back and seems almost entirely unmanageable. Pearla's eyes often can be compared to the ocean when in light and appear more dull blue-grey when away from the light. She always dresses well-mannered, even if it isn't required. Her features are soft, and some would classify them as 'adorable.' She is the girl whose grandma 'had' to pinch her cheeks every time they met. She's slightly shorter than average, standing around 4' Foot 4 inches.

Mental Description: The world to her is seen through a rose-tinted lens; she's upbeat and sometimes comes off a bit 'strong' in her emotions. If she has a thought, she's not scared to share it. While most could do no wrong when they first meet, she's not naive. Trust that is broken is hard to regain with Pearl. Dedicated and tidy, she applies herself to anything that interests her, no matter what outward view it may hold.

Biography: Initially taken care of by her single father till she was two. Though he wouldn't keep her, he instead decided that his situation at home was no place to raise Pearla. She was given to his next of kin, a brother and his wife. It wouldn't affect her much, being too young to remember who her father initially was, and her life at home was easily described as comforting and caring, if not slightly overprotective, raising no questions in her little mind. Her parents worked separately, staggering their working shifts, so she always had a parent around. Having been homeschooled, having friends around her age wasn't commonplace. Moving around the age of 8 seemed to stifle the friendships she did have. Being so limited in making friends at a young age, Pearl sometimes finds herself awkward when meeting new people.

First Instance of Magic: When Pearla moved from the US to her home in Leicester, England. She found her life uprooted; her everyday day-to-day life as an 8-year-old seemed to be 'crushed' by losing what little friends she had made in her old home. With a moment of temper that she'd worked herself into, She'd make her parents 'know' she wasn't happy. She picked up a vase they had and threw it on the ground before yelling at the top of her lungs, Causing every candle and light in the house to 'flare' to twice or three times their size.