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Angela G. Patel
10 Jun 2012
Godric's Hollow, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,7 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Angela G. Patel is an 11-year-old girl with beautiful red hair. Her hair is long - to her shoulders - and straight, but can become wavy in humid weather. She likes to tie it up in a ponytail or braid. Her eyes are light green and almond-shaped. Her skin is white. Angela is of medium height.
Mental Description: Patel doesn't have much patience: if you annoy her, she quickly gets angry. Angela can also be very sympathetic to people who are sympathetic to her. The Englishwoman is also empathetic, easily sensing when people are sad, angry or simply happy. Angela is a person of great joy of life. She loves telling jokes or trying to make people laugh in any way she can. When you argue with her, she can easily start crying, but she sometimes manages to hide it. Angela isn't usually a girl who hides her feelings well. She loves to learn new things and is very curious, sometimes too much so. The Englishwoman is also very talkative.
Biography: Angela was born in the village of Godric's Hollow. From an early age, she grew to love the place. The Englishwoman made many friends there, including Larry Cruz, Haley Hopper, Julio Forster, Katherine Fleming, Stefany Greenlaw and many others. She and her friends wrote many plays and performed them for their families. They had all found their stage names. For Angela, for example, it's Ari Stophane, in reference to Aristophanes, a Greek playwright from the 5th century BC. It wasn't Angela who came up with the name, but her friends after performing a play by this playwright.
Angela's friends are a year or two apart, except for Haley Hopper and Julio Forster, who are the same age as Angela.
One day, the girl told them that she had received her letter of administration, they were very happy and Haley and Julio told her that they had too. For the others, Angela knew she'd have to wait a year or two before they received it.
The young girl had always lived here, but she had also seen other villages such as Ottery St. Catchpole because her paternal grandparents lived there or Upper Flagley because her maternal grandparents lived there and many others. Angela's parents, Annie and David, are very kind to her and her little sister and brother, Eva and Howard. Their parents are stern when they don't do what they ask. With them, respect is golden. Angela's parents can also be very kind, because generally, when she or her sibling want something, they get it easily. With them, jealousy doesn't exist.
First Instance of Magic: Her first involuntary manifestation of magic came one day when she was 8 years old. Her mother had scolded her for something stupid she'd done, and Angela got angry with her. That's when the light went on by itself, when it was broad daylight. Anni went straight to David to tell him the news. They were overjoyed.