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Mae Key
13 Sep 2011
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
32,5 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring
Mae is short, about 4' 3". She has blue eyes and long blond hair that she usually keeps in a braid. She can be described as a little stocky, and she has pale skin. She also has an incurable genetic disorder called Nail Patella Syndrome, which, since it isn't very serious (at least in most cases), the wizards haven't put much effort into finding a cure, and since it is a genetic disorder, the only way to fix it is to alter Mae's genes. And that doesn't sound safe at all. They only recently discovered this disorder's existence. Mae inherited it from her father, and it affects her nails, knees, ankles, and hips. Mae is very clumsy.

Mental Description:
Mae is usually happy and laid-back. She is spiritual and relies on God a lot. Sometimes, though, she gets lonely and depressed, and then you'd better get out of her way. She is a little strange in her likes and dislikes, which often gets her made fun of. She is a generally anxious person, is very shy, and lacks confidence.

Mae is the second oldest of 7, and the only girl. Her mom and dad homeschool all their children until they go to Hogwarts, with her mom doing most of the teaching while her dad works as a band teacher. Mae's older brother is quite bossy, resulting in Mae lacking some confidence. She often has to take care of her younger siblings when her parents are away, because her brother is always too busy or lazy to do it. Her father is a wizard, and her mother is a muggle. Her mother, a Roman Catholic, was quite shocked when she found out that her father was a wizard, but eventually got over it, and even accepted that her children would become wizards too. All in all, Mae had a happy childhood, except for the fact that she was too shy to make friends, and didn't have many chances.

First Instance of Magic:
Mae did not have an instance until a month before she turned 11. One day, she accidentally touched a live wire on a telephone pole. It made her teeth buzz, so she let go and left. About a week later she told her dad about it, and he, being a cautious person, freaked out and called the electric company. They told him that Mae should have been electrocuted. Then he realized that it was magic, and his daughter didn't take after her mother after all, and could go to Hogwarts.