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Nicolai Zauflik
12 Jul 2012
Stamford, England
First year, Ravenclaw
27,4 cm elder wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Nicolai has tan skin, blond hair, and he's tall. He is almost always wearing blue, though he does care quite a bit about fashion during special occasions. He's physically weak, but makes up for it with his incredible skill in charms.

Mental Description: He is a tactical genius, with an IQ score of 164, and he likes to read and write magical books. He only befriends wizards he truly trusts, making him somewhat of a secluse. He loves to watch quidditch games, and he always studies the statistics of professional players, but he's not fit to play. His favorite gift would be either a book or a bag of chocolate frogs. His greatest wish is that he would become the most famous and remembered wizard in Hogwarts' history.

Biography: Before he received his invitation to Hogwarts, Nicolai was part of a Christion missionary family living in the West Indies. His father was a wizard but kept it a secret from muggles. He had one sister and two brothers, but they all got invitations to the Mahoutokoro School of Magic in Japan. Nicolai and his parents eventually moved to Stamford, Lincolnshire, where his powers were discovered, in order to fully devote his life to the study of magic.

First Instance of Magic: When he was nine, and already living in Stamford, he read through an advanced chapter book in three minutes.