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Jorden Elijah Sander
02 Mar 2012
Londen, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,4 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Jorden has messy, dark purple hair that always seems to be sticking up in different directions. He has big, curious blue and orange eyes. He is short for his age, with a skinny figure. Jorden often wears multicolored and oversized clothes, showcasing his unique sense of style.

Mental Description: Jorden is an energetic and adorable young boy, constantly bringing a sense of entertainment and laughter wherever he goes. He is known for his infectious giggles and endless confidence. However, Jorden can also be rather clingy and cowardly, oftentimes seeking reassurance and comfort from those around him. Despite his worries, he has a thoughtful heart and a strong passion to make others happy.

Biography: Jorden is an energetic and lovable 11-year-old who had a fun childhood, despite facing some challenges. When he was just four years old, his mom walked out on him and his dad. For a long time, Jorden blamed himself for her departure, thinking it was his fault. However, his dad was always there to reassure him, telling him that it was never his fault and that his birth was the best thing that ever happened to him. As Jorden grew older, he started to believe his father's words. He excelled in school, often being at the top of his class. He even used words that were more commonly used by adults, making his dad incredibly proud.

First Instance of Magic: when Jorden was seven, something extraordinary happened. While playing in his playpen, he threw his toy, and it exploded in mid-air. His father, witnessing this magical display, realized that Jorden had inherited his magical abilities. This discovery filled his father with joy and pride, as he was glad that his magic had been passed down to his son.