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Dahlia Celeste
11 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,2 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Dahlia has long wavy blonde locks which she inherited from her mother. Most days, she would have her hair up in a ponytail to avoid getting distracted while working. On rare occasions, she would have her hair down which is usually when she attends balls. She has brown doe eyes, light complexion and sharp jaw, something that she had taken from her father's side of the family.

Mental Description: Dahlia can be very manipulative especially when she wants things to go her way. She will do whatever it takes to prove herself. With her close peers, she can be considered tough which is her way of showing that he cares (somewhat).

Biography: She has always lived a life of luxury and is used to being given what she wants. She is also reserved and would tend to keep herself busy in her room instead of mingling with family members.

First Instance of Magic: Although it has always been expected that she would grow into a witch, Dahlia has already shown hints of magic within her at the early age of 2. Being the fussy baby that she was when she was a toddler, Dahlia unintentionally casted a storm cloud in her father's office when he broke her toy broom. It did stop when her mother was able to repair what had been broken which resulted for flowers to start blooming all over the mansion.