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Juliana Allen
07 Jun 2012
Newport, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
28,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Juliana has long, brown, almost black hair that cascades down her back in soft waves. Her hair is a prominent feature, flowing like a curtain of beauty around her shoulders. Her eyes are often mentioned for their expressive nature and can be described as brown or dark brown. They have an intense and thoughtful gaze. Juliana has a slim and athletic build, while she moves with a certain elegance that hints at her visible confidence. Her skin is fair, often contrasting beautifully with her dark hair and eyes. Juliana's sense of style is both unique and practical. She tends to favor dark and muted colors, which complement her dark hair, and she often wears clothes that allow her to move comfortably. Her choice of attire can be described as a mix of classic and contemporary.

Mental Description: Juliana is known for her neverending curiosity and love for learning. She has a deep passion for acquiring knowledge and seeks to understand the world around her. Juliana has a strong sense of independence. She's used to spending time alone and doesn't rely on others for her happiness. This independence has been both a strength and a source of isolation at times. She's quick to adapt to new situations and often finds creative solutions to problems. Juliana experiences a range of emotions, including moments of self-doubt, loneliness, and frustration, particularly related to her relationships with others. She grapples with complex feelings and has moments of vulnerability. She exudes confidence in her abilities, especially when it comes to her intellectual prowess. This confidence can sometimes come across as arrogance to others. Juliana is driven by a strong desire to excel in her magical studies and prove herself in the wizarding world. Despite her independence, Juliana is loyal to her friends. She values the relationships she has and cherishes the bonds she creates.

Biography: Juliana's life before attending Hogwarts is quite ordinary and uneventful. She grew up in a town, Newport, living with her parents. Her family is wealthy and successful, though not particularly supportive and loving. Juliana had a typical Muggle upbringing, completely unaware of the existence of magic and the wizarding world. She attended a local school and had a few close friends from her neighborhood. Juliana is known for her curiosity and intelligence, always eager to learn new things. She is an avid reader and has a particular fascination with astrology and the natural world. Her bedroom is filled with books on various subjects. She prefers spending time alone, engrossed in her books and studies, but if she must participate in social activities, she will. Juliana is content with her small circle of friends and her family. Juliana discovered a passion for Muggle soccer. While her primary focus remained on her studies, she found that soccer offered a different kind of thrill and camaraderie. On the grassy fields of the school, she would often join games with her friends and fellow students. The sport provided her with a refreshing break from the world of studying and allowed her to enjoy the simple pleasure of running, kicking the ball, and feeling the rush of competition.

First Instance of Magic: In Juliana's first encounter with magic in the non-wizarding world, she was a young child, and the experience was both bewildering and enchanting. On this particular day, she was playing in her backyard, innocently picking colorful flowers, and observing butterflies in the warm sunlight. However, her ordinary playtime took an unexpected turn when she reached out to touch a vibrant wildflower. As her tiny fingers brushed against its petals, the flower's colors seemed to intensify, and it suddenly floated in the air, encircled by a shimmering, iridescent aura. For a few mesmerizing moments, the flower danced before her, and gently descended back to the ground right after.