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Rianna May
12 Apr 2012
Limerick, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
26,7 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring

Rianna is young looking for her age, with brown messy hair, round chins and greenbrown eyes. She seems small, but carries herself in a way that makes it clear that she is not easily scared, which in many peoples eyes makes her charming, and in others eyes makes her disrespectful or annoying.
She is not very tall for her age, laughs easily, often too loudly.
She is curious and energetic, and because of her loud nature it often surprises people that her favourite pasttime is reading. She is not very good with peers telling her what to do, and will sometimes say things she doesnt mean just to disagree with someone she finds too condescending.
She is very loyal towards the people she care about, and love telling stories and going on adventures.
She also loves music, and to dance and sing. She is having a hard time being away from her family, and have had that since she arrived.
Also, she has a hard time finding friends she feel truly comfortable with, and she is more aware of how she might be percieved as too much than she lets on. It makes her turn up that part of her even more in childish protest.

Rianna is halfblood, but the farther left when she was little. Her mother was a muggle musician, and she would tell Rianna stories of wizards and magic when she was little. Rianna would go out into the hills with her little sister and try to look for fairies, or she would try to do magic by waving random sticks around. It never really worked. Sometimes she would feel like she was actually making things move, but she would always be sure she imagined it afterwards.
Her first occurence of magic was when she was one day verbally fighting with a boy at school who had said something about her sister. She got very angry, and suddently she got angry enough that the window close to the boy broke into pieces. They said it was the wind.
Rianna had been in the age where she was almost stopping to believe her mothers stories of wonder and imagination when the owl came. It surprised her, but seeing her mother so proud made her happy. She just miss her muggle sister, and she is angry that she never found any fairies, seeing that magic was actually real.