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Celeste Wingrove
03 Apr 2012
Rye, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,5 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Location: RYE, ENGLAND

Physical Description:

11 year old girl, small and short for her age. Has short messy dark brown hair with bangs. Has fair skin and some freckles. Has big eyes which are a dark hazel color.

Mental Description:

Sweet and quiet. She loves reading and writing. Really smart and clever. Surprisingly strong. Does not like loud noise. Terrified of spiders and insects. A cat person.


Lived in a small town surrounded by a river. She loves to go to that river and read under the willow trees. She has 1 younger sister who she loves dearly. Her mom is a witch and her dad is a muggle, but he loves the magical world. Has a small group of friends from her book club, who she is very close with, but her friends are all muggles. She has been homeschooled for her entire life.

First Instance of Magic: Please describe your character's first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic.

The first time Celeste had an instance of landless magic was when she was 8 years old and at her grandmas house. They had gone to the library earlier that day and picked out a few new books to read. She was reading a very intense scene when she accidentally ripped one of the pages while turning it. She had somehow managed to repair the book. Her grandma was the only one who saw the incident, and did not scold her.