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Samuel Moreno
03 Jan 2012
Pentyrch, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
24,3 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Samuel is a boy with dark brown, nearly black hair. He wears contacts and seems to be roughed up. His clothing always seems to have dirt on it, and his knees are always bruised. he has bandaids randomly on him because he gets scraped up quite often- enough for it to be noticeable.

Mental Description: Samuel is an adventurous boy, but he is.. quite by himself. He's very awkward, and never really seems to seek friendship. But, you'll find him wandering and learning- he is eager to know, whether from experience or from knowledge

Biography: Samuel has always been a reserved child. While he didn't outright avoid friendships, he realized at a young age that most people didn't want to be friends with him because he was too loud, too weird, too annoying, and stuff like that. His family is very complicated, and so did most of his friendships.

First Instance of Magic: His very first instance was probably when he accidentally made a street lamp go out just because he was a bit angry and it happened to go out without intending it to. It was nothing much, but he had been weirded out by the fact he could do that. he was fairly young, so he sorta brushed it off and continued on his way with little care.


Samuel was born in January 2012, the youngest of his Australian family. He was raised until 9 out there and eventually moved to Wales. His brother, Brian, was only two years older than him. His family moved to Wales due to the fact that most of his mother's family was there, and while most of the family adapted quickly to the new city, Samuel didn't. Samuel had problems with bullying and his awkwardness was something most people disliked him for.
Samuel is a muggle-born, his family unacquainted with the idea of magic and most of the time hated the even idea of it. They both were firm in their beliefs that magic didn't exist, but unlike them, Samuel always had an open mind. However, the fact that it did exist still shocked him- especially with how displeased his parents were with it.