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Gigi Montez
Wizard born
12 Mar 2012
Cardiff, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
23,0 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: blonde, almost white, wavy hair that goes down to her waist. wild blue eyes with long, black lashes, and a tan complexion from being outside. slender but strong build, with slightly pointy ears. is tall for her age, at 49.6 inches.

Mental Description: optimistic, with a deep love for the environment. if provoked, has a fierce temper, but cools down, and is ready to apologize. full name is Geneviene Evelyn Montez. cares deeply about her family and protects the people she loves. is extremely smart. loves to read and draw. has a beautiful voice. has agoraphobia (fear of emptiness). can sometimes creep people out by not talking much and staring. has always wanted a dragon. is incredibly shy.

Biography: Gigi's mother and father were from Spain, although her father was born in Wales, he grew up in Spain. She lives with her father, Arvel, and her grandmother, Athlee. Gigi lost her mother when she was five to dragonpox, and by the time the doctors realized what it was, the sickness had taken too strong a grip on Gigi's mother. Of course, this didn't stop Pa from trying every single cure he could find. In the end though, even Pa had to accept that the dragonpox was going to kill her. Gigi's mother died in the night, and since then, her father has renounced the use of magic, because he feels he failed her, and instead works as a botanist. Nana teaches Gigi everything, not having enough money to send Gigi to school. Despite not having a proper education, Gigi is incredibly smart, and is always thinking of ways to improve her community. Gigi has a soft spot for all animals, but especially two cats named Hermione, named after the Minister for Magic, and Rowena, named after the head of Ravenclaw. Every Sunday, Nana, Pa, and Gigi go to Georgianne Maria Montez's grave, as a ritual of remembrance. This year, Gigi turned eleven, and Pa and Nana are secretly hoping Gigi gets her letter soon. Gigi doesn't like talking to people much, because it makes her nervous to talk to people with her distinctive accent, and therefore her only friend is a boy named Jackie, who lives down the street from her.

First Instance of Magic: Gigi was swimming with Jackie when suddenly she couldn't breathe. Swimming nearly six feet underneath the surface, Gigi started to panic. Then, she felt a sticky substance around her face. It was a bubble! When Gigi got home, Nana was overjoyed to hear that Gigi could use magic. Pa and Nana had thought that Georgianne's Muggle genes would be dominant, and that Gigi didn't have any magic. Bu this proved them wrong! Gigi could use magic! The whole family went to celebrate at a local cafe, and from that day, Gigi has been anxiously waiting for September 1.

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