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Thomas Keene
15 Sep 2011
Winchester, England
First year, Slytherin
23,3 cm chestnut wood and horned serpent horn
Physical Description: Thomas is a pale boy, a bit tall for his age at exactly 149 cm. He has black hair that is slightly longer than traditional boy haircuts and hangs down the sides of his face. His eyes are blue but look grey in certain lighting. He's lean and does not possess a lot of physical strength.

Mental Description: He knows what he wants and he's sure he's going to get it. He's a charmer and will do a lot to have things go his way. He has a very comedic nature and has a fond appreciation for mischief. He often acts narcissistic and full of himself, but it's to hide insecurities. He has unreasonable fear of water and would prefer to stay in areas shallower than ten feet deep.

Pre-Hogwarts Life: Thomas grew up in a relatively wealthy pureblood family with his parents, aunt, and brother. His father is an Englishman and his mother is french. Thomas grew up bilingual, speaking both English and French at home. His brother was quite a nuisance, but they were still somewhat close. He's grown up with various tutors and is well versed in most topics covered in primary schools.

First instance of magic: When he was seven years old he fell asleep on top of a shelf in his family's library (don't ask why he was on the shelf) and fell off. He managed to wake up in time to accidentally levitate himself about a foot above the floor. (since this occasion he doesn't fancy falling all that much) He has tried to replicate this and has been unsuccessful.