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Ember Candlelight
12 Jun 2012
Coalville, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
27,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Ember was named for her cheerful eyes upon birth, light brown in color. Her hair is black in color and medium-long length, slightly wavy throughout. She is a bit shorter than the average child her age, 4'7 in height, and weighing 68 pounds. Her complexion is light in color.

Mental Description: Ember's personality matches her name and appearance, very energetic and passionate about her interests. She is especially fascinated by plants. When something captures her interest, it is not uncommon for her to devote hours learning about it and promptly forget about her responsibilities. Her curiosity about certain things can also result in risk-taking behavior, and her emotions can often get the better of her.
Ember isn't incredibly social, preferring to spend time in solitude and hang out with a friend or two rather than attending large events. It is easiest for her to make friends with those who are interested in the same things as she is, or who shares the same passion for their own hobbies. Although she won't go seeking people herself, she is always open to chat with anyone who comes up to her (and potentially learn about them!) or lend a helping hand if needed. But, no matter what she does, she always faces a deep sense of insecurity over her talents.

Biography: Ember grew up in the countryside in the town of Coalville, England. Her mother was a muggle while her father was a wizard, so she knew a mixture of things about technology and magic. She, along with her brother, were homeschooled by their mother as their father was gone for most of the year. He worked as a healer, and it was easier to live close to his workplace rather than to constantly have to travel back home. He did come back to visit occasionally, but otherwise the three were left to do their own things. It was her father who inspired her to aspire to become a healer herself.
She spent her free time playing with the other kids or exploring the forest and meadow nearby, collecting mushrooms or climbing trees. Her brother joined her sometimes, but soon went off to a boarding school once it was determined he was not a wizard.

First Instance of Magic: When she was nine years old, Ember had set her sights upon climbing a particularly tall sycamore tree. She had gotten around three quarters of the way when she slipped and fell. Strangely enough, her fall seemed to slow down before she hit the ground, and she got away perfectly unharmed.